Your Longest Archery Big Game Kill

Longest Big Game Kill With Bow

  • Under 20 yards

    Votes: 104 7.3%
  • 21 to 40 yards

    Votes: 510 35.7%
  • 41 to 60 yards

    Votes: 453 31.7%
  • 61 to 80 yards

    Votes: 189 13.2%
  • 81 to 100 yards

    Votes: 64 4.5%
  • Over 100 yards

    Votes: 110 7.7%

  • Total voters
Well, is 1,656 good enough? Oh, that would be inches. Nothing big, just a doe at 46yds. Is this crossbow or compound? I took mine with a compound, but wouldn't even think of trying a 100+yd shot. Can you even get a pin set that low?
29 yards with a 20 year old Pearson bow:
I killed my javelina in january at 82 yards, which is my longest so far. I work at an archery shop and the sight technology is getting so good that with sliding sights and computer generated sight tapes 100 yards is nowhere near what it was. Some of my co-workers and I regularly go out and shoot jackrabbits and killing one at 100 yards although uncommon is done. My friend killed his elk this year at 85 yards (I was on the rangefinder) and I know a few guys who have killed big game at well over 100, including a mule deer at 142, gut shot but it still went down. I personally wouldnt shoot big game past 90 (what I have pins out to in my spot-hogg).
got a do at 21 yrds. I do prefer to be closer with bow. Usualy somewere 15 to 20yrds. But have a 70yrd range to have fun on target!
While Hunting in the Western Cascade Mountians of Oregon. I shot a forked horn Black tail deer at 64 yards. Using a then, new rype of mechanical broadhead with thin wall aluminum arrows. Shooting a compound bow at 65 lbs, with a bow quiver and wrist teathered release . The Buck was faceing me standing on a 3ft wide trail with no brush or trees. I had been shooting field tournaments almost every week end all summer, so this was just another target like all the orhers. The arrow penetrated the buck in that dime sized hole at the bottom of the neck, in the wind pipe and into the heart. The buck made 15 yds before collapsing.

muley at 75 yrds, ya know id realy like to c them eastern guys that like to bash longer archery shots to come try and hunt public land desert muley or couse, i wouldnt shoot past 30 either if i was hunting baited deer on private property from 30 feet up a tree
While Hunting in the Western Cascade Mountians of Oregon. I shot a forked horn Black tail deer at 64 yards. Using a then, new rype of mechanical broadhead with thin wall aluminum arrows. Shooting a compound bow at 65 lbs, with a bow quiver and wrist teathered release . The Buck was faceing me standing on a 3ft wide trail with no brush or trees. I had been shooting field tournaments almost every week end all summer, so this was just another target like all the orhers. The arrow penetrated the buck in that dime sized hole at the bottom of the neck, in the wind pipe and into the heart. The buck made 15 yds before collapsing.


What a shot!!!!! Mechanical broadheads are illegal in Oregon too!!!!
Yes, you a quite right about mechanical broadheads being illegal in Oregon NOW! They were not illegal the year this deer was shot. These broadheads
were available a full year prior to the ban by ODF&W and at the time were
legal. But that is another story and it's not fit material for this publication.
First post.
74 yards on the Alberta prairies, on mule deer buck.
2008 with a 2007 Bowtech Guardian, PSE Xweaves, Blazers, and Slick Tricks.
I miss that rig.
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