Well-Known Member
Since I bought my Ruger Magnum Safari in 458 Lott, there has been a notable lack of elephants in the neighborhood. But you can't be too prepared....Man I have a couple of them, unfortuately both Winchesters. I bought a .458 for an African trip. The Winchester distributor was a friend of mine so he let me go through and cherry pick from his inventory for a nice peice of wood. I zeroed the gun with the open sights and mounted the scope. Could not get a zero so I took it to the shop and started checking things over. Turns out the barrel (or receiver) threads were very crooked and the barrel diverged from center line on a noticeable angle. You could see it if you looked hard. I was working for another gun company at the time and knew the Winchester rep. He got it replaced for me but the one I got had the scope base holes drilled about 2 degrees off center. What a mess. Winchester was being purchased by FN at that time and it almost looked like the Winchester guys were ****ed because they were being bought and were sabotaging guns. I finally went out and found a good used, older vintage rifle. Winchester did replace the rifle but it took them almost 2 years to get me a new rifle. The replacement was marked "Made by BAC (Browning Arms Company) Morgan , Utah". It is a very nice rifle with many improvements over the old Winchester made rifle. I now have two .458's. I'm all set if the circus ever comes to town and something big gets loose.