To those interested in the cartridge why 300 PRC?

Yes and years ago I may have. Now I do not have time. Wyatts 4.0 takes too much tuning as well. The other issue is I have fallen in love with Fierce actions and their mag is limited to 3.75". The Nosler fits perfectly in this even with a generous amount of freebore and is capable of pushing 215s at 3100 and 225s over 3k.
What issues have you had with the Wyatts box? I am looking at doing the 3.85 box. I realize you're talking about the 4.0 box but won't to head off any issues if I can. Thanks
What issues have you had with the Wyatts box? I am looking at doing the 3.85 box. I realize you're talking about the 4.0 box but won't to head off any issues if I can. Thanks
A properly tuned 3.85" feeds like any 700 magazine box. Don't worry about the 3.85" it will work great. If you are building a PRC make sure to get the PRC follower he makes. The 4.0"s are single stack and not really intended to feed from the top. It is not a huge deal just a little more hassle.
I think you should be working on a 7 Blaser improved we can actually get brass for and shoot it out of those 1950 Tikka 3.4" mag boxes. LOL!

You're not the first man to mention improving the 7 blaser case to Rich! With the Sherman book thrown at it, I bet it'd boost capacity to 87-88gr and still have a 300 plus long neck. It'd be great indeed. I have a 7mm proof 1:8 that needs cut into something fast but practical. The 7 Sherman max on a Tikka is a very possible option, this blaser would also be one on the spare lone peak razor ti LA in my safe.......decisions decisions! Ryan what you say, we have rich draft up a reamer design and we have JGS or manson build us a pair?!
Sounds good, I don't know if I'll ever build a 30 caliber rifle. The 28 Nosler has got it all done for me so far. I will do a 338 edge at some point. Who am I kidding the 30 cal bug will catch me at some point lol.
You're not the first man to mention improving the 7 blaser case to Rich! With the Sherman book thrown at it, I bet it'd boost capacity to 87-88gr and still have a 300 plus long neck. It'd be great indeed. I have a 7mm proof 1:8 that needs cut into something fast but practical. The 7 Sherman max on a Tikka is a very possible option, this blaser would also be one on the spare lone peak razor ti LA in my safe.......decisions decisions! Ryan what you say, we have rich draft up a reamer design and we have JGS or manson build us a pair?!
I would be in with a good source for brass and dies. I am not opposed to custom Widdens.

Man last time I looked I could not find brass now mid south has it. I may be on the hook. LOL!
Anyone besides me that remembers the 30TC? 30-06 performance in a well designed short action case. Point is it's been out of the limelight for quite some time and Hornady still loads for it, I wish I had kept my Icon or that TC still made them, never shot one that wasn't exceptional when it came to accuracy, weight and good design. **** Venture...
Anyone besides me that remembers the 30TC? 30-06 performance in a well designed short action case. Point is it's been out of the limelight for quite some time and Hornady still loads for it, I wish I had kept my Icon or that TC still made them, never shot one that wasn't exceptional when it came to accuracy, weight and good design. *Rule 4 Violation* Venture...
Ya, it's the parent for the Creedmoor.
It's interesting, I decided on a win mag but my parts aren't in yet so I still consider it. I don't think it gives me much over a correctly throated win so probably just stay with the win mag.

nosler doesn't rustle my feathers much for some reason, idk why.

I think ADG having brass soon will be nice for it, and Wilson will have in line seaters by the end of the year. All that stuff is already established for the win mag though and I don't have to beat everyone to it to get it like with the fancy cases.

it does seem like a good case that soon will be supported really well for how young it is. Nonsense marketing aside which nosler is also guilty of. The factory twist and ammo is of course compelling to those who go that route but even for customs it seems like a nice case
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Since we are moving away from the original question The 30 SM has all the attributes of the PRC plus more and will run the 230 Hybrid nicely at 3050' in a 28" barrel with Hornady brass and ADG head stamped brass coming around February And no, its not an overload because ive fired Hornady brass 10 times and still going at 3024' with a 230.
Nice bull, Brandon. Was that with a Ridgeline?

So what I am hearing is all centered around factory rifles/ammo?.

It's a custom. LPA Razor TI. PR Carbon SL 1-9.4 @26". EH1. TT. I could have easily went 30 nos. And I might for the next barrel. ADG says 1Q 2020 for PRC brass.

Like I mentioned ADG didn't have 30 nos brass out when I had this built.

In a few months when brass options are the same what is the main difference? 50 FPS between the prc and nosler. Is one cartridge going to be more accurate? Maybe maybe not.

Really it's almost a flip of the coin on which cartridge to chamber. Unless a person has to have the fastest. In which case they probably have a lifted truck also
It's a custom. LPA Razor TI. PR Carbon SL 1-9.4 @26". EH1. TT. I could have easily went 30 nos. And I might for the next barrel. ADG says 1Q 2020 for PRC brass.

Like I mentioned ADG didn't have 30 nos brass out when I had this built.

In a few months when brass options are the same what is the main difference? 50 FPS between the prc and nosler. Is one cartridge going to be more accurate? Maybe maybe not.

Really it's almost a flip of the coin on which cartridge to chamber. Unless a person has to have the fastest. In which case they probably have a lifted truck also

Thanks. I am not sure why I was thinking it was a CA. My PRC hit pressure 80 fps prior to my Nosler in the two head to head barrels. That Nosler barrel was running 3100 at the accuracy node. Both with 215s. I rebuilt the rifle with a different action just out of preference. My 300 PRC would not shoot 215s, 212s, 225s or 208s. Since the PRC would not shoot 215s it is impossible for me to say where the accuracy node was. I finally settled on a load of retumbo and 230 hybrids going 2880 pretty close to max in the PRC. My new Nosler has not sped up yet but the current accuracy node is 3000 with the 215. It hit pressure at 3140(primers very slightly flattened) but there is no accuracy there in this barrel. In my experience when the barrels speed up I just drop the charge to get velocity back to the node. On a rare occasion the accuracy stays with the speed up.

There will be overlap for sure. A fast PRC will outrun a slow Nosler. I would bet you money if you took ten of each the Nosler will best the PRC by 100 fps at pressure with the same freebore and barrel lengths at least 50% of the time. Typically accuracy is near pressure so I would expect the gap to hold. Some of that will depend on the case capacity of the ADG PRC brass. All of my experience with the Nosler is with Nosler brass. I have just now found the time to start playing with Bertram and ADG.

Hornady PRC brass is ~97 grains of H20
Nosler 30 Nolser brass is ~99
Nosler Bertram is ~100
Nosler ADG is ~101.
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