Why not that much interest in the .270 Ackley Improved?

When did Ackley start making his wildcats?

Back in the 50's Verne Junke at Saturn Arms in Reno was chambering the 270 AI, but he was calling it the 270 ICL.

My dad had one built off a Mauser action. Very snazzy rifle for the times.

It shoots great, extremely accurate. 1/4" groups were possible if you did your part.

I still have a box of original ammo from the 50's.
That really is a very nice looking shootin iron. Thank you for sharing the rifle and for your reply.
Don't want to speak for other 270 people but the newer 270 people want to improve the case and drive those 160 - 170 class bullets in faster twist barrel.
Pretty much what your doing with 130 gr bullets in your REGULAR 270 they want to do with the 160-170 class bullets
If I were to do it all over again, I probably would have gone with the 1:8 twist barrel to hurl the heavier bullets. But...originally (1) I wanted a wildcat cartridge to develop loads and to reload for, (2) I wanted a whitetail deer sized cartridge for hunting purposes. When I build these rifles I really was unaware of the heavier bullets. I am really glad that I made this thread, many of the replies have answered the purpose for the post. Both my son and I really like our rifles, they were made by a great smith and they do shoot. I may not agree with some of the replies, however I appreciate and thank everyone for taking the time to respond to this thread.