To those interested in the cartridge why 300 PRC?

I wanted one as soon as I heard about it.

Never liked belts or nosler so I've stayed away from the 30 cal magnum until the 300 PRC.

Marketing had nothing to do with it for me and I reload so factory ammo doesn't matter.

Something about a 215 berger at about 3000 FPS makes me happy.

I shot two muleys this year so far with mine and the performance has been fantastic. That being said, I'll probably go back to my 6.5's and 7's for deer and antelope...just wanted to get a little blood on the 300.

Don't you or didn't you have a 30 Nosler?
I've had one each, 30 nosler and 300 wm, neither lasted very long in my safe and I didn't consider another 30 magnum until the 300 PRC came along.

You are correct it's not better than the other two in performance but it's better for me than the other two.

My 300 PRC should be here for a while though.

And I do like the idea of affordable ammo if needed.
I've had one each, 30 nosler and 300 wm, neither lasted very long in my safe and I didn't consider another 30 magnum until the 300 PRC came along.

You are correct it's not better than the other two in performance but it's better for me than the other two.

My 300 PRC should be here for a while though.

And I do like the idea of affordable ammo if needed.

What did you not like about the other two? If I remember correctly that 30 Nosler of yours was very accurate at distance. I would be much more interested in the cartridge if it shot like my 6.5 PRC. The problem is once my 6.5 went through the barrel speed up (70fps) the factory ammo went from shooting in the .2s-.3s to ~1". Yes the same lot. I would guess most if not all factory ammo will do the same. I know when I reload I have to drop charge to get back to the node after speed up occurs.
Just personal preference.

My 300 PRC is the most accurate magnum rifle I've had, even factory 212 ammo shoots in the .3's.
I wish I could say the same. Mine took 500 rounds just to find a load the would work. Most likely not the rounds fault. Just a picky barrel.
Just personal preference.

My 300 PRC is the most accurate magnum rifle I've had, even factory 212 ammo shoots in the .3's.
My 30 SM, and several others that were built, shoots . 3's with factory prc ammo in the SM chamber and then even better when you reload to SM territory. Its the best shooting larger bore rifle Ive ever owned and thats with 2 different barrels now!
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