This is whats wrong with hunting today

I don't think....just me here...that any discussion on the DOD using 556/223 is very relevant in the transition between shooting 2 legged GAME vs 4 legged....I personally have never seen any man or woman active in field engagement.....that weighed over 300 lbs....might be one! I've just never seen it. So if the discussion goes beyond Deer..... where's the comparison? Just me here! When the distance opens up with DOD field that's when the right tools for right job come out...the 300''s , .338s, and 50's.....hunting can be different...modern science....but SHOULD IT? One man's thoughts...

I'm partially posting this in response to the wonderful discussion @Huntnful started about smaller calibers. This is not a bash on small caliber hunters or anyone else for that matter (including the man in the video). Flash to the 5:50 mark and indulge. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who is shaking my head in disbelief that guys like this are presenting info to people as if the round is actually the "Ultimate hunting round" IMO this is preposterous, with highly inaccurate and incomplete comparisons. This is what's wrong with hunting and especially long range hunting these days. Wondering if I'm not the only one here?

No sir you're not the only one.
And the 160 is .338 vs .27
I think we are on the same page as the general trend is higher BCs as you go up in caliber. All I was saying is BC is THE metric that determines wind drift. Most may already know that but some may not so I was simply trying to provide an educational point as to how to compare affects of wind drift which is using BC.
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