So little update. I am now walking at least 1,000 yds in my driveway. Luckily its 49 yds long but with extra width the turn around gives me full 50 yds each way. So one full round trip is 100yds which is cool. I try to do 6-7 round trips in morning and fill in balance to get me 1,000 yds. So far, zero pain, just need time to build strength back up. Freaking amazing how fast your muscles atrophied from 25 days in hospital even with their PT. But it is so cool to see and feel your strength build each day. I generally walk around house without walker but as extra caution bought a Sasquatch sized one for outside that works great. I see spine doc next Thursday prob final close out along with PT scheduling. Starting in therapy pool then to machines.
Already looking at it as portable blind wrapped in camo. Can see nice swivel gun support or x-bow support!
So took some time to build up strength and enough stamina to get things a working but I see me sitting in woods opening of bow! I have son and friends ready to pull critters out. They have been doing it for years for me, Yes, I am blessed with one hellava son that takes real good care of me knowing my physical limitations. Plus friends that pitch in as well. Just so blessed.