Prayers Needed

IMG-20240529-WA0000.jpgAmanda took this photo as Jephias came out of surgery yesterday. He sais he felt much better they diverted his bowel movement to a bag. We have not heard from the doctor yet. I hope to het some news today. But they were also taking samples for testing.

This is the message we got last night. He looks pretty good!
Report from Tino today. Not exactly what we wanted to hear but he is alive. He is a tough young man. Praying he can endure and survive.

Good morning.
Jephias was discharged from hospital yesterday. He has lots of swelling and body pain and is not able to walk on his own.
I was able to have a short discussion with the doctor yesterday and we will be meeting at his office this coming Thursday to share test results and discuss the way forward. Currently there is much concern as he thinks it is an advanced stage 3 and possibly even stage 4 cancer as he already has a abdominal mass. We are unsure of anything right now. But thx to the funds we received and still coming in he is alive today!🙏 He would not have made it through the past week without this and everyones support.
I'm here in Africa and the number one tracker for Trophy Game Safari, Jephias, is ill. They are not sure if it is cancer or an infection. He is 36 years old with a wife and two children. Over years I consider him a friend. He is a terrific guy that I very much look forward to seeing when we come. He struggles with modern medicine and we need him to trust the modern doctors and move away from the native doctors. You guys are always up for lifting people in need of healing, so I am hoping you can lift him up in prayer. Thank you for your help. I will get updated on his condition and pass the information along.
Prayers for Jephias.
Just got an update on Jephias. Please keep the prayers going.

Afternoon all. Had Jephias for his doctors appointment today. There is still a bit of uncertainty as all his biopsy results are not in as of yet. But the current diagnose is lymphoma. He is pretty far advanced and his legs are swollen like a baloon and hard. He has been struggling keeping any food in the past week due to reflux and he is pretty weak. They put him on morphine for pain as of today. We hope to get more results by Thuesday after which a specialist will then see him for planning on Chemo. Then we will also know the final cost. But due to gracious donations so far I believe we are very close to be able to cover the cost. He will have the external bag throughout the process. A long road ahead. Keep on praying for him 🙏