New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

As I said before, I'm a big Remington fan. I love 700s and 870s. That being said, here's a few things that I really think need fixed. I will say the things they were doing right was that their last 700 actions have been very true from the factory. A gunsmith that I use to talk to a lot would send me videos showing just how true the 700s were in his shop purchased in the last couple years. Having said that, here's the list of things I think really need changed.

1- Quality trigger whether it's a revamped Walker/X-Mark trigger or an aftermarket OEM production trigger from Triggertech, Timney, etc.
2- Fix the primary extraction!!! That's the biggest holdback on newer 700 actions.
3- Improve barrel quality. I don't expect them to by Harts or Bartleins, but get some sort of system to keep them in acceptable tolerances and with a half decent bore finish.
4- Ditch the $39 plastic stocks and plastic trigger guards. Again, I don't expect an HS or McMillan, but something a little more sturdy and add pillars to all factory stocks and have all the barrels free floating.
5- Improve overall fit and finish. A lot of people complain about Remingtons blueing and how easy they rust. The matte finish is nice, but improve it so it's not so susceptible to rust and corrosion.
6- Move past the twist rates from 1970 and start producing rifles in popular cartridges. Also stay on top of new chamberings and new moves in the industry. It shouldn't take 5+ years to catch up to everyone.
7- Continue to advance and improve machines, techniques, and technology to truly stay at the top of the pack.
Maybe they'll start producing rifles in 6.5 prc, 7saum, 300prc, all with quick twists that people build these days. Keep it simple, sell the stuff that's hot on the market, and they'd do just fine.

They'd have to redesign/modify all their actions. A 300 PRC won't fit a standard LA and 6.5 PRC won't fit their SA.
I am not sure I would believe the statements by Roundhill. All investment capital firms are motivated by only one thing.....PROFIT! All other considerations play second fiddle to it. In fact I have so much trepidation about the future of Remington that yesterday I canceled an order for a Remington 700 5R in 300 Win Mag from an online dealer. There is a reason why the Remington rifles are retailing for significantly less than their competitors with similar features. No one wants to buy them and rightly so. When you fire a rifle you are dealing with a controlled explosion that could instantly kill you. I don't know about you but I want to have some confidence that the manufacturer has placed a premium on the quality control and engineering for such a device.
My area of work is in Production, Quality and Management. A lot of older manufactures never upgrade their manufacturing process/equipment or perform quality checks during the production process. a lot of what you see is each item may be with in spec but when you bring them together and all the minor differences start adding up and puts it out of spec. We call this spec build up of tolerances.
I've been to many Aerospace suppliers and have seen a total lack of in-process inspections, where it is most critical, not 1 final inspect where it's too late. One poorly done operation used for tooling surfaces can screw everything up downstream.
With the CNC technology we now have, an entire receiver can be done in fewer operations, eliminating errors just in fixturing numerous times.
Designing for ease of manufacturing is critical.
The new Remington should start with a clean sheet, look at all the custom actions currently in production and start all over with a 700 footprint while the process to get there is vastly improved, simplified and extremely close tolerances enabled by state of the art machining/processes.
A complete custom shop continuance with everything from truly custom high quality barreled actions and up to, complete high end rifles. Revamp all the chamberings that are in the "off the shelf lines", that match the best offerings out there.
Rethink it Remington.
Move out west with part or all of it. NY doesn't like you. No offense to the Illion, NY workforce....
Worked for Weatherby

This Email came to me today. Roundhill won the Ilion New York part of Remington. l think basically the 700s, 1100s, 870s, and 1911 R1 pistols... They say they are going to give Remington Arms what they need to make a great Remington. Then ''LEAVE THEM ALONE''🤗.
l sure hope this is true... Just tell the state of New York and Cuomo too😈
I will never touch a Remington that is made in N.Y. State
and have not for the past 8 years
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