New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

Tikka, Sauer, and Mauser and others have blown Remington's doors off for at least 5 years. Why? Because Remington's rifles quality is so bad and are priced as high or higher than their competition plus their warranty and customer service suck. Compare a $600 dollar model 700 next to a $600 dollar Tikka , work the bolts, squeeze the triggers look at the fit and finish. No comparison! The 700 looks and feels like a junk Chinese Ak47. And has no accuracy guarantee offered by the competition. I hope that they get their stuff in the future but until that happens I'm staying away from the "Big R"
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Tikka, Sauer, and Mauser and others have blown Remington's doors off for at least 5 years. Why? Because Remington's rifles quality is so bad and are priced as high or higher than their competition plus their warranty and customer service suck. Compare a $600 dollar model 700 next to a $600 dollar Tikka , work the bolts, squeeze the triggers look at the fit and finish. No comparison! The 700 looks and feels like a junk Chinese Ak47. And has no accuracy guarantee offered by the competition. I hope that they get their stuff in the future but until that happens I'm staying away from the "Big R"
Hey "J", don't hold anything back. Tell us how you REALLY feel.

This Email came to me today. Roundhill won the Ilion New York part of Remington. l think basically the 700s, 1100s, 870s, and 1911 R1 pistols... They say they are going to give Remington Arms what they need to make a great Remington. Then ''LEAVE THEM ALONE''🤗.
l sure hope this is true... Just tell the state of New York and Cuomo too😈
I hope they succeed!!!
The stock design is likely the reason. My buddy had one in the 70's, and it was a destroyer. It was the BDL model, with the fancy-looking stamped checkering and black caps on grip & fore-end. The angles were all wrong, and the comb had a very sharp edge that really rapped the cheekbone. It was, however, a VERY accurate rifle, and he could shoot it well. That's all that really matters, not how well I liked it. Maybe it fit him properly.
My first hunting rifle was a 700 BDL IN 30/06. Early 80's. It was accurate, but I'll agree with those who said it must have been the stock. Punishing. Traded it for a Ruger 77 in 22/250. Best deal I ever made. Shot a friend's Model 70 in 300 Win Mag, and it felt like a pussycat compared to that BDL, even in a more potent caliber. Been happily shooting Model 70's ever since, with an occasional Mauser 98 those days in for good pleasure! Besides...NEVER an extraction issue with the claw.
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