New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

I hope they bring Remington out of the hole they have dug themselves into. The shotty work and bad customer service has turned me off from them.
We all said the same about obama and he sold more guns and ammo then hitler did, the American people can be amazing when they get ****ed or told they cant have some thing
lmhop, American gun owners are in for a lot rougher ride today than 2008 0bama admin if Joe and the Radicals win. LOTS ROUGHER😬
Remington employed too many hand operations where machining would have resulted in a better rifle. For instance: threading the receiver for the barrel by hand, resulting in off center and barrels not concentric to the action. Remington needs some engineers to straighten out their build processes to get things concentric, parallel, and perpendicular the why the prints specify! I love Remingtons, but their quality has fallen dramatically over the years!

Where did you hear this ? Only the custom shop does hand work and not very much but they do select the best parts and do the hand fitting, and there work is done on lathes and has been excellent. All production rifles are CNC machined like every other production rifle. Doing very much hand work would increase the cost and they could not be competitive.

If anything was/is needed is more quality checks to improve the quality of the produce before it is inspected. :)

Currently I have 3 Remington 700 BDLs and all shoot fine , function flawlessly and have never had trigger issues. Some have been restocked and mitigate recoil to the point they are pleasant to shoot. The 700 BDLs are a fine rifle, love my Winchester Model 70s and Rugers, but will never let them go. Good luck in the future Remington.
yep ... Barrett replaced my M98B .338 (list price $3200; I bought a trade-in from someone who couldn't handle the recoil) with a $9,000 modular gun ... and MacMillans start at around $11k ... not in my price range.

I don't need to hit the eye of a gopher at 2km; on target inside 1km is perfect for me and if I can defend my home out to 300m ... that'll do just fine

I think that it's important to point out that the cost of the Remington was $15,500.00 approximately per rifle KIT, $4,000 of which was just the scope. The kit included all three barrels along with magazines for all three chamberings, accessories, bipod, cleaning and tool kits, and more, including hard and soft cases. But this price also included maintenance, repair and parts for the duration of the contract. Any upgrades by Remington would be covered by the contract also. The contract cost had to cover the investment in the Research and Development of the original prototypes and testing which is demanded by the military.
Good luck to Remington. To the company who has aqcuired the brass aspect of remington, If you plan on dispensing sub par brass, Hornady has that market covered. Producing ADG, Peterson, and Lapua level quality may prove beneficial, especially in the SAUM family...
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This Email came to me today. Roundhill won the Ilion New York part of Remington. l think basically the 700s, 1100s, 870s, and 1911 R1 pistols... They say they are going to give Remington Arms what they need to make a great Remington. Then ''LEAVE THEM ALONE''🤗.
l sure hope this is true... Just tell the state of New York and Cuomo too😈
Additionally, Ruger may get the contract for the Marlin Firearms Group!
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