New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

I hope they will continue with the V3 Waterfowl Pro, I purchased it last Summer, it works flawlessly, I chose this model over a Beretta and Benelli due to it was Made in the USA and had a lifetime warranty. What I read did not mention this line of shotguns, I cannot imagine they would not continue with it, but we will see what shakes out..

Do you know the difference between the V3 Waterfowl Pro and the Versa Max?
Most of NY is a red state. If you look at the map, you would see that 90%+ is red. Upstate NY is all farm lands and forest. Our votes just cant compete with the big cities. We would like to break off from the city and become our own state. NY is one of the highest taxed states and there is no reason for it but to fund the city and Cuomo's get rich schemes (that always fail). He botched this pandemic up so bad (sent the sick back to nursing homes, had that military hospital ship docked in the harbor and never used it...) Upstate hates him, but we love our guns! Local govt works well with Remington. If Remington left, it would devastate this area so local politicians have been very helpful. Just waiting on a few legalities and we should be firing up in the next couple months.

I hear about rural areas wanting to split off from the big cities in practically every state. If that were done in every state then there would be 150 states in the Union or more. Basically, every big city would be its own state and areas around each big city would be their own states. TN alone would be split into 4 states. They would be East TN, Nashville TN, Mid West TN and Memphis TN. Of course, you don't hear about that in TN because its a red state. You only hear about this in blue states. If TN ever flipped back to blue then it would be an issue.
Not too much other than price, the Waterfowl Pro has only a 3 inch chamber versus 3.5 chamber on the Versa Max, the V3 is Cerakoted receiver and barrel, I don't think VM is Cerakoted.

I assume that the V3 can handle any 2 3/4 and 3 inch shells as well as any combination the same as the VM. The reason I ask is because my last semi auto was an old 1100 where you had to have separate barrels for duck hunting and dove hunting/skeet shooting. I gave up on semi-autos as a result. I have been using OU's ever since but have been considering going back.
I assume that the V3 can handle any 2 3/4 and 3 inch shells as well as any combination the same as the VM. The reason I ask is because my last semi auto was an old 1100 where you had to have separate barrels for duck hunting and dove hunting/skeet shooting. I gave up on semi-autos as a result.
Yes the V3 and V3 Waterfowl Pro can handle 2.75 and 3", the WP is a 28 inch barrel and comes with three chokes and shims to match you, it is a very well built soft shooting shotgun, I wouldn't trade it and I love the Cerakote to protect against rust.
Most of NY is a red state. If you look at the map, you would see that 90%+ is red. Upstate NY is all farm lands and forest. Our votes just cant compete with the big cities. We would like to break off from the city and become our own state. NY is one of the highest taxed states and there is no reason for it but to fund the city and Cuomo's get rich schemes (that always fail). He botched this pandemic up so bad (sent the sick back to nursing homes, had that military hospital ship docked in the harbor and never used it...) Upstate hates him, but we love our guns! Local govt works well with Remington. If Remington left, it would devastate this area so local politicians have been very helpful. Just waiting on a few legalities and we should be firing up in the next couple months.
Which lines are made in Ilion?
Do you know the difference between the V3 Waterfowl Pro and the Versa Max?

As stated the V3 is only a 3" chamber and VM is 3.5. The v3 operating/recoil springs are locating in the receiver basically next to the bolt. The VM operating/recoil spring is the butt stock.
Now if they would bring back the model 30 through the custom shop!!!!! 1 1/8 square thread tenon. 1 1/2 degree on the lugs. Unless you get really stupid with the powder measure neck size is all you will ever need. Big rocker safety. I remake enfields to model 30 and save them for the rigby, Big weatherby, normas Lapuas.
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In my opinion the V3 is more of an inland field smaller bird gun and the Versa is more for goose and turkey and for a bigger load at a longer range. I'm not saying the V3 can't do the same job but the Versa has the extra capacity (3 1/2s) for the extra umph! Both run the recoil reducing gas system and both are aluminum receivers so they're very similar.
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