New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

The cost of the current M2010 system (Rifle, Case, Suppressor, and Scope) is $9,944. I hope that this group will put guys that know what they're doing in charge and leave them alone. Once a quarter ask them what their profit is, what their return rate looks like for warranty work, and what they need to be successful and talk to them next quarter.
with Obama things got bad for everyone

Obama was one of the greatest gun salesmen the the gun industry ever had. Electing democrats are great for business. It sends republicans into a panic and they buy up all their product. One of the reasons remington went belly up was because Trump got elected. Gun manufacturers were expecting Hillary to win so the ramped up production before the election expecting a panic. Sales plummeted and Remington's profits went to zero. The reason Remington went belly up was because of their parent company Cerberus, not because of poor quality control of their product resulting in loss of sales so I am not sure if they will address those issues mentioned here. Oh and they did move production to a red state, Huntsville Alabama which didn't seem to help. They even filed bankruptcy in Alabama. On a positive note, Cerberus did make a profit off of Remington even though Remington filed bankruptcy. I imagine some of their business decisions which caused them to profit from Remington ultimately caused Remington to fail. Apparently, they liked to transfer debt around and Remington ended up with more than they could deal with.

I have owned a dozen rem 700's and they were all great shooters but I have never shot a $379 rem 700 with scope from Walmart so I imagine there are some not so great of quality rem 700's. Remington has made allot of deals with big box stores to produce cheap rem 700's. I know they have contracts with Walmart, Academy sports, Dicks sporting goods, as well as Gander Mountain which is out of business. I am sure there are others. I don't think they will be willing to give up those contracts in order to stop producing low grade 700's.
Obama was one of the greatest gun salesmen the the gun industry ever had. Electing democrats are great for business. It sends republicans into a panic and they buy up all their product. One of the reasons remington went belly up was because Trump got elected. Gun manufacturers were expecting Hillary to win so the ramped up production before the election expecting a panic. Sales plummeted and Remington's profits went to zero. The reason Remington went belly up was because of their parent company Cerberus, not because of poor quality control of their product resulting in loss of sales so I am not sure if they will address those issues mentioned here. Oh and they did move production to a red state, Huntsville Alabama which didn't seem to help. They even filed bankruptcy in Alabama. On a positive note, Cerberus did make a profit off of Remington even though Remington filed bankruptcy. I imagine some of their business decisions which caused them to profit from Remington ultimately caused Remington to fail. Apparently, they liked to transfer debt around and Remington ended up with more than they could deal with.

I have owned a dozen rem 700's and they were all great shooters but I have never shot a $379 rem 700 with scope from Walmart so I imagine there are some not so great of quality rem 700's. Remington has made allot of deals with big box stores to produce cheap rem 700's. I know they have contracts with Walmart, Academy sports, Dicks sporting goods, as well as Gander Mountain which is out of business. I am sure there are others. I don't think they will be willing to give up those contracts in order to stop producing low grade 700's.
Maybwe so BUT, electing Dems into office means we have to deal with their negative gun grabbing policies for at least until the next election. Sad truth! It's IMPERATIVE we ALL vote in this coming election!!!
they have been setting records for gun sales and ammo. a lot of dems. are even buy guns. this has been going on for a year or more.
Maybwe so BUT, electing Dems into office means we have to deal with their negative gun grabbing policies for at least until the next election. Sad truth! It's IMPERATIVE we ALL vote in this coming election!!!

Except that no new gun policies have been enacted in the last 26 years. The last one past was the brady bill named after Reagan's press secretary which was a background check bill which turned into the NCIS system which was supported by the NRA. Reagan supported the Brady Bill. Interesting side note, 72% of NRA members support universal background checks. A year before that, the assault weapons ban was passed under Clinton but was started by Bush. Before that, Reagan banned the manufacture and importation of all fully automatic weapons. The truth is that gun laws change when the majority of Americans want it. Based on historical data, the party in charge does not seem to matter.
This has mostly been said, but bears repeating: Remington will need to buck the current trends. Chasing the market with Fad Guns or Fad Calibers is a long term loser. Others have saturated that segment. Go back to a basic lineup of carefully produced bolt guns, and the more successful and iconic shotguns. Also concentrate on some of the original Remington calibers in iconic platforms. An updated 788 or M7 in 7MM-08 and .260 or the MSR in 7-08 or .260. The return of a revitalized M700. (Maybe that's what Ruger is looking for in Marlin. Being less a fan of Ruger than of Marlin, I hope they don't screw it up.) Make up for the "ho-hum" factor with some truly OCD quality focus. If the quality is here, you can sell it. And, yes, get the heck out of that state. Ilion has a history with Remington, and it's a nice place, but unless you can turn around the political culture in NY (and along with that the perceptions of gun owners) your location is a millstone around your neck. The kind of folks who work for Remington would be welcome here in NC. Far more than the socialist gun-hating trolls who too often come rolling downhill.
Most of NY is a red state. If you look at the map, you would see that 90%+ is red. Upstate NY is all farm lands and forest. Our votes just cant compete with the big cities. We would like to break off from the city and become our own state. NY is one of the highest taxed states and there is no reason for it but to fund the city and Cuomo's get rich schemes (that always fail). He botched this pandemic up so bad (sent the sick back to nursing homes, had that military hospital ship docked in the harbor and never used it...) Upstate hates him, but we love our guns! Local govt works well with Remington. If Remington left, it would devastate this area so local politicians have been very helpful. Just waiting on a few legalities and we should be firing up in the next couple months.
I hope they will continue with the V3 Waterfowl Pro, I purchased it last Summer, it works flawlessly, I chose this model over a Beretta and Benelli due to it was Made in the USA and had a lifetime warranty. What I read did not mention this line of shotguns, I cannot imagine they would not continue with it, but we will see what shakes out..
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