Talk me into it or talk me out of it

300 RUM brass is becoming easier to find. I have seen it in the for sale section here quite a bit. The 215's are still hard to get, but they will come back. In the mean time, you can get 210's, 230's or even the 200 Accubonds.

That is true. I have a scope in the safe I could piddle with on it for now just to see what it can do. Maybe put a new trigger on it and see what I can get out of it. I know what you are saying about the SPS over the BDL. This just works out because it's my buddy's and the price is half descent on it.

I think my future plans would be to use my 270 for whitetails when I go back to ND, 7RM for muley's, and the 300 RUM for elk, but we'll see how I feel about it when it comes to spending the money. My 7RM is plenty good for elk too, but a 300 RUM would be a nice addition.
What kind of price is he giving you? Any idea on how many rounds are down the tube or the accuracy he is getting with it?
I keep forgetting to answer the accuracy question.

My buddy, who isn't super efficent of a shooter, but good enough, shoots 1 MOA with the absolute cheapest ammo he could find for the thing. He ended up with this gun because he was piddling around on gun runner auctions and threw in a bid at the very end and ended up winning it. Gets it home, action is bedded. Pretty nice gun, not a mark on it. Turns out that the screws for the front base mount were too long and left the mount kinda loose. We figure the guy who sold it had it bedded because he coudln't make it shoot and still couldn't make it shoot so he sold it. We tightened up the screws, and he bought some super cheap stuff, don't even remember what it was, and just shot it. 1 MOA was pretty good for the ammo he was using and the trigger that's in it. He is mostly a whitetail hunter though and I don't think he really wanted the gun in the first place but he won it and had no choice after that. He is finding that it is just a little more gun than I think he really wants to deal with.

I figure with some reloads and a new trigger, I could probably milk a little more accuracy out of it and see how it shoots. Maybe turn it into a project, and if not, still probably be a descent weapon, who knows. Pretty hard to find a used gun in this sort of shape for a good used price so I thought maybe it wouldn't be a terrible route to go, who knows.
What kind of price is he giving you? Any idea on how many rounds are down the tube or the accuracy he is getting with it?

Less than 100 rounds, and we have discussed price between 5-600, with about 8rds still loaded of that factory stuff he bought, plus the brass of the fired stuff. Figured I could use those 8 to get it half sighted in after scope mounting and then work on loads from there.
Maybe the better route if I really wanted an "ultra mag" would be to wait a while, save up the money, buy another Sendero in 300 RUM and put a Trigger in it and maybe a brake and call it good. I have a sendero that is nice and even though it is not custom, it is a darn good shooting gun. I would take another one any day!
I think either way you go, it will be a good choice. That is a good price on that gun and if it is already that accurate, you could definitly get it to be a shooter. Then continue to update it as you go if you want (trigger, stock, etc). Shoot out the barrel and then add a new barrel and true the action. It would give you a much lighter platform as well, which is something to think about. Like I said though, can't go wrong either way!
I think either way you go, it will be a good choice. That is a good price on that gun and if it is already that accurate, you could definitly get it to be a shooter. Then continue to update it as you go if you want (trigger, stock, etc). Shoot out the barrel and then add a new barrel and true the action. It would give you a much lighter platform as well, which is something to think about. Like I said though, can't go wrong either way!

Yeah, you're probably right. Be nice to just own an ultra mag for fun, but at the same time, I kinda like a little bit of the "man with one gun" theory. When I go to the closet, I grab the same gun whether it be deer, elk, or antelope, and know that if it steps inside 800-1000 yds, depending on the animal and conditions, that I know what gun I am taking and have no worries. Seems like messing around with this might just be a pain in my rear. hahaha
The 300 RUM and a thin sporterized barrel do not belong together. That's a serious cartridge and it needs a stout tube to tame and harness it.
The 300 RUM and a thin sporterized barrel do not belong together. That's a serious cartridge and it needs a stout tube to tame and harness it.

Probably a good point. Kind of annoying that companies don't make more factory stuff in the big bores with heavy barrels. Oh well I guess. Since I have bougt my sendero I have become quite accustomed to heavy guns
Maybe the question to ask would be, if you had a good 7RM, would you trade it for a 300RUM of it's equivalent? For instance in this case, would you trade sendero's in different calibers just to have the bigger one even though both will do plenty of work, just one with a little more gusto than the other.
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