6.5 STW-Ok guys talk me out of it

Go for it :)

I love my short very light 26" 6.5 WSM, 120 GMX @ 3450 fps.

It really works well, terminal performance is silly, it isn't a LR rifle but shoots sub moa well past 1000 with its thin Shillen barrel.

Tends to be my go to hunting rifle for some reason :D

The STW would be awesome lightbulb
If you want a big case 6.5 you might look at using the 7 or 300 Dakota. My next 6.5 will be off the 300 Dakota. The brass is spendy but its' good.

Another option is using the 8x68S and improving it. The improved 8x68S will have almost the same capacity as the STW and Dakota. Norma brass is available for a very reasonable price.
If you want a big case 6.5 you might look at using the 7 or 300 Dakota. My next 6.5 will be off the 300 Dakota. The brass is spendy but its' good.

Another option is using the 8x68S and improving it. The improved 8x68S will have almost the same capacity as the STW and Dakota. Norma brass is available for a very reasonable price.
All good ideas, but I've got a 25 year love affair with the 7mm STW so sticking with the same case just makes sense to me but the 8x68S is tempting.
I have a 6.5x 68 RWS and love it. After the first of the year , I'm going to build a 6.5x68 imp. Going to draw one up, never heard of anyone shooting one.
... but I've got a 25 year love affair with the 7mm STW so sticking with the same case just makes sense to me but the 8x68S is tempting.



It's not going to be your last one ...
If this won't nothing will! :)

New GAP Extreme Hunter in 6.5 SAUM

Scot E.
Yep I've looked at it, read about it and the 3.5x300wsm.

Realistically though they aren't giving better performance than even the old 6.5Rem Mag which I am definitely leaning towards for my wife just because there are some really nice factory rifles in that caliber for a song most of which are Rem 600's or 660's in a small carbine/youth model which is basically what she needs since she barely gets to five foot tall if she stretches.

I do keep hoping that if we bump this enough times some of the 6.5STW guys will see the thread and give me their thoughts.
Well I have read the post. One I did not see was a 6.5 / 338 Norma mag. Called the 6.5 Promethus does 3700 with 140's was on this forumn. I would like to try a 6.5 Remington short mag long throat.

Good Luck and God Bless

Yep I've looked at it, read about it and the 3.5x300wsm.

Realistically though they aren't giving better performance than even the old 6.5Rem Mag which I am definitely leaning towards for my wife just because there are some really nice factory rifles in that caliber for a song most of which are Rem 600's or 660's in a small carbine/youth model which is basically what she needs since she barely gets to five foot tall if she stretches.

I do keep hoping that if we bump this enough times some of the 6.5STW guys will see the thread and give me their thoughts.

I guess if you take barrel life and throat erosion out of the equation you may be right but I personally love the concept running everything that cartridge shoots at such low pressures. If nothing else it keeps guys in their accuracy node as the throat wear doesn't mean they are always chasing the lands to keep top accuracy.

I don't think if you compare real world pressure you are in the same ball park with performance in the 6.5 Rem.

Good luck. Sounds like no matter what direction you go you are going to have a nice shooter!

Scot E.
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