New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

I could be wrong, but I thought the RR receiver was supposed to be CNC built.
They were. Other than primary extraction issues, those were the best 700 actions made. A gunsmith buddy of mine use to post videos almost daily of RR receivers in the lathe with .0003 or less runout on the lug recesses and action face. They were as true as most customs. They need primary extraction issues fixed and the timing is off on them. I'm not an action smith so not sure what needs fixed with the timing. The primary extraction is just as simple as soldering/welding the bolt on in the right location.
Remington could fashion their assembly facility just like Toyota. All the parts needed for the day arrive just in time for assembly.
Here in southern Indiana we have a Toyota assembly plant. All day long you see Semitic trailers arriving with frames, parts and what is needed to build a vehicle. All these parts come from different manufacturing plants. Everything is manufactured to Toyota's specs. Remington could do the same. There is no inventory sitting around for months or years. Remington could have a barrel contract, stock contract, action contract and trigger contract. All parts for assembly arrive and are assembled by their craftsman. Once assembled then to shipping.
That way if the barrels are not correct it's someone else's lose and another contract is started with a new manufacturing facility.
The most important part is quality control along the way and a really nice rifle goes out the door.
We all have or remember when your Remington firearm was a premium shooting and functioning firearm.
Go Remington!
Actually they weren't which is why the MSR project was cancelled and the replacement PSR contract ended with Barrett winning the contract Remington originally had.
I want one of those switch barrel guns so bad my trigger finger is on 🔥. In 6.5 prc,338Norma magnum and in 30/378 weatherby🤠 and when they come out with something new I'll get it too,cause it's a switch barrel and that means you don't need a scope for every barrel or mounts. And it becomes familiar whatever barrel you have on it. Barrett won because they are better!
IMHO🤠 I believe George Soros bought Remington with the intent to never make another gun. I hope I'm wrong 😞
Way Too much drop in the stock. They stocked it like an 870.

Actually the average drop at the Comb is 1.5 to 1.7 to position the eye in line with the sites/scope. The actual average drop at the heel is 2.25 to 3 ". This is common for dangerous game rifles with tremendous amounts of recoil allowing some of the recoil energy to be directed upwards.

Classic style rifles with little or no drop are notorious for there recoil. They do however aid in minimizing muzzle climb. More drop and a monte carlo/adjustable cheek piece are a good way to get the benefit of both.

Just saying

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