This has mostly been said, but bears repeating: Remington will need to buck the current trends. Chasing the market with Fad Guns or Fad Calibers is a long term loser. Others have saturated that segment. Go back to a basic lineup of carefully produced bolt guns, and the more successful and iconic shotguns. Also concentrate on some of the original Remington calibers in iconic platforms. An updated 788 or M7 in 7MM-08 and .260 or the MSR in 7-08 or .260. The return of a revitalized M700. (Maybe that's what Ruger is looking for in Marlin. Being less a fan of Ruger than of Marlin, I hope they don't screw it up.) Make up for the "ho-hum" factor with some truly OCD quality focus. If the quality is here, you can sell it. And, yes, get the heck out of that state. Ilion has a history with Remington, and it's a nice place, but unless you can turn around the political culture in NY (and along with that the perceptions of gun owners) your location is a millstone around your neck. The kind of folks who work for Remington would be welcome here in NC. Far more than the socialist gun-hating trolls who too often come rolling downhill.