New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

"Somebody's got to be the best ... it might as well be us!" (Sic'em!)
There's a lot of good rifles out there. Find something nobody else is doing (like the 416 Chey-Tac) and tool up to do it ... right.
Whatever you do, support it! Like the 5mm Remington.
There's no reason Remington should have left that HMR hole in the market! Build guns like you'll be building and selling them for the next century.
And Thanks, Remington, for all the good times! JDA
One more gripe. How come every after market trigger has a sear that is fixed in the housing. How hard would it be to make the trigger like that. I guess they think your just going to take it out and pitch it in the can. But I really liked the old model triggers. Took very little work to make them excellent. And safe. I bet every trigger malfunction from a 700 was the result of some idiot adjusting the return spring screw out too far. All my hunting rifles have older blued 700 triggers in them set under 2 lbs and have never had an issue with any of them.
The original Mike Walker trigger was and still is a great design. With the modern high speed production, some of the quality of its internal parts were less precise. And I think that's what caused the lawsuit, and as you said, somebody fooled with it, that didnt know what they were doing. I have one right now, that was made on 1994. Its flawless. They need to bring that trigger back, and put the quality back into it it too!
Stock design ... I've got a 6# '06 that kicks like a freakin' Hornet. IOW, I don't feel the durn thing at all. It came with a cheap birch stock and I cobbled on a soft, thick sissy-pad. If I ever replace that stock with another, a custom stick, I will take it in to the stockmaker and say "Just. Like. This. One."
1. Leave NY
2. Move to red state.
3. Buy new machines
The inside of the plant looks like a pre WWII place.
New machines cost a trainload of money. You've got to make 'em pay for themselves.
Keep prices down as possible, but begin moving to a Red State and tell the people why! The shooting fraternity will support you, within reason, if they know you support them.
Remember Barrett's response to California and the '50 BMG. Barrett is not bankrupt. Remember Smith & Wesson's dalliance with Bill Clinton. It almost broke them.
They have a massive, modern facility in gun loving AL. Could just move it all here.
I've heard that the real estate is going to be sold by the local gov't. Remington still owes about 12 mil. to them because of incentives, tax breaks, unfulfilled agreements, etc. Property supposedly worth in the neighborhood of 50 mil.
As a x New Zealand Pest Board Area Foreman I have shot thousands of rounds out of the 12g Remington 1100 when out night shooting and when gun and dogging for rabbits , hares etc and I would say without a doubt it was the best shotgun i have used. And i have shot many many different brands of shotguns.
This has mostly been said, but bears repeating: Remington will need to buck the current trends. Chasing the market with Fad Guns or Fad Calibers is a long term loser. Others have saturated that segment. Go back to a basic lineup of carefully produced bolt guns, and the more successful and iconic shotguns. Also concentrate on some of the original Remington calibers in iconic platforms. An updated 788 or M7 in 7MM-08 and .260 or the MSR in 7-08 or .260. The return of a revitalized M700. (Maybe that's what Ruger is looking for in Marlin. Being less a fan of Ruger than of Marlin, I hope they don't screw it up.) Make up for the "ho-hum" factor with some truly OCD quality focus. If the quality is here, you can sell it. And, yes, get the heck out of that state. Ilion has a history with Remington, and it's a nice place, but unless you can turn around the political culture in NY (and along with that the perceptions of gun owners) your location is a millstone around your neck. The kind of folks who work for Remington would be welcome here in NC. Far more than the socialist gun-hating trolls who too often come rolling downhill.
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