January Coyote


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
This coyote was shot January 3rd at 9:03 while I was hunting deer. I was watching some does that were just off my lease. They had been grazing in the pipeline for about 20 minutes when I noticed they all stopped and were looking in the same direction. This often indicates a buck is coming in, but all of their tails went up and I knew something else was coming. I got my AR, that is chambered in 6mmAR turbo 40 degree, (6.5 Grendel necked down to 6mm) up in the deer stand window ready for whatever was coming, Sure enough a coyote came walking across the pipeline opening that is on my lease, at around 300 yards away. I usually bark at them to get them to stop before they make it across the pipeline. The opening is about 30' wide with thick timber on each side. Before I could bark, this male came into view. He only made one mistake, that was he paused to glance up the pipeline. He caught a 90 grain ELDX that left the muzzle at 2900 fps and dropped him instantly. He stuck one foot up in the air to say good-bye. The other coyote made across. It was a good morning!


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Good job!! Saw the biggest yote I've ever seen while deer huntin about 3 yrs ago. It was very foggy and I was hunting in a thicket. He was only visible for a second before disappearing back into the fog. Man I wanted him bad.