New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

Have the 700 perfect for us and a cheap rifle to stay in business we can get the cheaper guns for that guy we all have in our family.look at Zepco I think they make the browning fishing tackle. You have to be able to compete with cheap and have the top shelf to survive
Not to argue, But there are 7 and $8,000 dollar rifles that are being sold that are not as accurate, Just higher cost. Civilians can buy the same rifle at half the price the government paid.

What Is the price of today's sniper rifles ? I will bet they are more than $3,000 dollars.

Just saying.

JE- The ones l,ve seen are a ''system''. $9600 l think. They have to meet certain govt standards..
Barrett has a really HIGH Dollar ''system''. Also heard/read FN are quite proud of their 338Lapua Magnums :rolleyes:
JE- The ones l,ve seen are a ''system''. $9600 l think. They have to meet certain govt standards..
Barrett has a really HIGH Dollar ''system''. Also heard/read FN are quite proud of their 338Lapua Magnums :rolleyes:

Having QC high enough to allow for drop in replacement barrels cost money. It's more than I can afford but if I were a PRS competitor shooting 10-15k rounds or more a year it would be tempting to order an AI and 3-4 barrels per year vs 3-4 rifles or 3-4 trips to the gunsmith. If I had the coin I'd totally buy an AI that could run 300 NM and a short action conversion to run whatever and few barrels vs spending at least as much on 2-4 rifles.

They say they are going to give Remington Arms what they need to make a great Remington. Then ''LEAVE THEM ALONE''🤗.
I hope, with all my heart, that's true. But 35 years in the Pharma industry, including a couple of decades of M&A (merger & acquisition) activity have taught me that new management often says the opposite of what they intend to do ....

I want great Remington guns. I don't own one yet, but hope to shortly. I want a Rem 700 in .308 or .45-70. I've got a Bergara HMR Premier in 6.5 PRC, a Barrett M98 in .338 LM (I shoot PRS) and a IWI Tavor in .556. Last one for home defense; Bergara doubles as a LR hunter. The Rem would be my "classic" hunting gun, with ammo I could afford and always get (not so for the PRC and the LM is available but pricey).
JE- The ones l,ve seen are a ''system''. $9600 l think. They have to meet certain govt standards..
Barrett has a really HIGH Dollar ''system''. Also heard/read FN are quite proud of their 338Lapua Magnums :rolleyes:

yep ... Barrett replaced my M98B .338 (list price $3200; I bought a trade-in from someone who couldn't handle the recoil) with a $9,000 modular gun ... and MacMillans start at around $11k ... not in my price range.
JE- The ones l,ve seen are a ''system''. $9600 l think. They have to meet certain govt standards..
Barrett has a really HIGH Dollar ''system''. Also heard/read FN are quite proud of their 338Lapua Magnums :rolleyes:

yep ... Barrett replaced my M98B .338 (list price $3200; I bought a trade-in from someone who couldn't handle the recoil) with a $9,000 modular gun ... and MacMillans start at around $11k ... not in my price range.

I don't need to hit the eye of a gopher at 2km; on target inside 1km is perfect for me and if I can defend my home out to 300m ... that'll do just fine
I bought two 700 LWT this spring.One 308Win and one 223Rem.They come with 40x triggers that were easily adjustable to 2 pounds and could go a lot lower.Both shoot great.1/2" 5 shot groups are common.Best out of the box rifles I have bought next to Tikka`s.Maybe it was luck of the draw,but I am a happy camper.
Hard to believe given the climate of the last 15 years or so that any of the gun or ammo makers could have money trouble. You can't ask the public to buy more faster. I am afraid the Rem house is just going to get flipped. Pie plate joe will still be happy as he is with the rest of the competing 400 dollar combos and if you really want a quality rifle you will have to look elsewhere. The fact is most of America is happy with an Axis or a Ruger American and a quality ACTION and trigger will blow you out of that market. Hopefully they can find a way to do it better, cheaper, but I think most of this crowd will never be happy with an off the shelf, out of the box 700 again. Hope I'm wrong.
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