New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

One more gripe. How come every after market trigger has a sear that is fixed in the housing. How hard would it be to make the trigger like that. I guess they think your just going to take it out and pitch it in the can. But I really liked the old model triggers. Took very little work to make them excellent. And safe. I bet every trigger malfunction from a 700 was the result of some idiot adjusting the return spring screw out too far. All my hunting rifles have older blued 700 triggers in them set under 2 lbs and have never had an issue with any of them.
A complete custom shop continuance with everything from truly custom high quality barreled actions and up to, complete high end rifles. Revamp all the chamberings that are in the "off the shelf lines", that match the best offerings out there.
Rethink it Remington.
Move out west with part or all of it. NY doesn't like you. No offense to the Illion, NY workforce....

The custom shop moved some years ago out to South Dakota. It has been part of Dakota arms for a while now. I hope that Dakota arms will survive because they are truly unique
I hope Remington makes it! The last Remington I bought was a piece of crap! Had to have major work done on it before I was even able to shoot it! Had a local gun smith complete the repairs. I didn't trust Remington to complete the warranty work! The gun never should have left the factory
You did the right thing. I had a brand new 700 long range that spent more time in the mail truck going back and forth to Remington hoping they would actually fix it, then it did in my possession, until I finally gave up and sent it to hart to have a new barrel screwed on
Just brought my 1980's Remington 700 .30-06 back to life using Hammer bullets. Still kick like a mule.

The stock design is likely the reason. My buddy had one in the 70's, and it was a destroyer. It was the BDL model, with the fancy-looking stamped checkering and black caps on grip & fore-end. The angles were all wrong, and the comb had a very sharp edge that really rapped the cheekbone. It was, however, a VERY accurate rifle, and he could shoot it well. That's all that really matters, not how well I liked it. Maybe it fit him properly.
I would love to see a R700 12 and 20ga bolt gun. Even though not many states have over reaching and over bearing restrictions on what weapon can be used for deer gun season, I sure would love to see a few more options on the market for the ones that do!!!
Remington employed too many hand operations where machining would have resulted in a better rifle. For instance: threading the receiver for the barrel by hand, resulting in off center and barrels not concentric to the action. Remington needs some engineers to straighten out their build processes to get things concentric, parallel, and perpendicular the why the prints specify! I love Remingtons, but their quality has fallen dramatically over the years!
I love Remington actions. I rebuild Remington receivers into great shooting rifles. I do admit that I do up grades like one piece bolts. Ream out the bolt chamber. Sleeve the bolts. Blue print the receiver. but over all they build a simple and reliable product
Remington employed too many hand operations where machining would have resulted in a better rifle. For instance: threading the receiver for the barrel by hand, resulting in off center and barrels not concentric to the action. Remington needs some engineers to straighten out their build processes to get things concentric, parallel, and perpendicular the why the prints specify! I love Remingtons, but their quality has fallen dramatically over the years!

My area of work is in Production, Quality and Management. A lot of older manufactures never upgrade their manufacturing process/equipment or perform quality checks during the production process. a lot of what you see is each item may be with in spec but when you bring them together and all the minor differences start adding up and puts it out of spec. We call this spec build up of tolerances.
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