New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

A complete custom shop continuance with everything from truly custom high quality barreled actions and up to, complete high end rifles. Revamp all the chamberings that are in the "off the shelf lines", that match the best offerings out there.
Rethink it Remington.
Move out west with part or all of it. NY doesn't like you. No offense to the Illion, NY workforce....
The Army, Marines bought quite a few Remington bolt guns since 911. Those seem to have
been drilled/reamed/screwed together quite well🥳
Spoken like someone who's never pulled a 700 barrel off and cleaned up a chamber or blue printed an action. I love my older remingtons. The new ones are very hit or miss.
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Always loved Remington. Grew up shooting a plain barreled 870, then got vent ribbed barrels. You'd a thought I won the lottery. No such thing as screw in chokes back then, although Winchester did have their Winchokes in certain models. Owned several 11-87's, 1100's, and various 700's over past many years, and I still believe they can produce an excellent firearm, if given the true support they deserve.
Spoken like someone who's never pulled a 700 barrel off and cleaned up a chamber or blued an action. I love my older remingtons. The new ones are very hit or miss.
94- l recently bought an AS NEW Remington 700 barreled action WITHOUT a bolt. Fortunately l was able to find a bolt from a forum member... Took barreled action and bolt to Jarrett Rifles to have it checked. Jay inserted go/no go gauge into chamber along with new bolt. Guess what! lt fit perfectly, as if bolt and action had been married together at the factory. l asked Jay if this was common with Remington 700s. Ans was, ''Happens all the time''.

btw. Those military Remingtons come from their Custom Shop... Home on the 40X🤗

This Email came to me today. Roundhill won the Ilion New York part of Remington. l think basically the 700s, 1100s, 870s, and 1911 R1 pistols... They say they are going to give Remington Arms what they need to make a great Remington. Then ''LEAVE THEM ALONE''🤗.
l sure hope this is true... Just tell the state of New York and Cuomo too😈
Maybe build a 416/50 cal action
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