New Owner of Remington Arms Talks of its FUTURE

There is no reason that they can't succeed. They have the designs and the following, All they have to do is make consistent quality. The only thing lacking in 'most' brands today is consistent quality. They also have to stop trying to compete with the Cheap firearms of today
and get back to American quality and craftsmanship.


This Email came to me today. Roundhill won the Ilion New York part of Remington. l think basically the 700s, 1100s, 870s, and 1911 R1 pistols... They say they are going to give Remington Arms what they need to make a great Remington. Then ''LEAVE THEM ALONE''🤗.
l sure hope this is true... Just tell the state of New York and Cuomo too😈
Move them out of New York... that is what is needed to make them great again
94- l recently bought an AS NEW Remington 700 barreled action WITHOUT a bolt. Fortunately l was able to find a bolt from a forum member... Took barreled action and bolt to Jarrett Rifles to have it checked. Jay inserted go/no go gauge into chamber along with new bolt. Guess what! lt fit perfectly, as if bolt and action had been married together at the factory. l asked Jay if this was common with Remington 700s. Ans was, ''Happens all the time''.

btw. Those military Remingtons come from their Custom Shop... Home on the 40X🤗
As the owner of three 40X, they are stellar actions.

My philosophy in Remington 700s post 1995 ish is if you buy 10 of them 2 will shoot like they are in a windstorm. Six will be average and two will absolutely hammer. The consistency has long departed from big green. If you think otherwise you just have a small sample size. I've worked on a couple hundred at this point. Again I hope they can turn around the QC and update their manufacturing process and start selling rifles equipped to do what is in style currently.
A complete custom shop continuance with everything from truly custom high quality barreled actions and up to, complete high end rifles. Revamp all the chamberings that are in the "off the shelf lines", that match the best offerings out there.
Rethink it Remington.
Move out west with part or all of it. NY doesn't like you. No offense to the Illion, NY workforce....
The custom shop is in Sturgis South Dakota and is the factory for Dakota Arms. When Remington bought Dakota Arms the moved the custom shop there. Everyone who works there is a dedicated craftsman and most have several decades of experience.
I hope Remington makes it! The last Remington I bought was a piece of crap! Had to have major work done on it before I was even able to shoot it! Had a local gun smith complete the repairs. I didn't trust Remington to complete the warranty work! The gun never should have left the factory

This Email came to me today. Roundhill won the Ilion New York part of Remington. l think basically the 700s, 1100s, 870s, and 1911 R1 pistols... They say they are going to give Remington Arms what they need to make a great Remington. Then ''LEAVE THEM ALONE''🤗.
l sure hope this is true... Just tell the state of New York and Cuomo too😈
First thing you do is move any and all operations out of NY.
At only 3,000 ea.

Not to argue, But there are 7 and $8,000 dollar rifles that are being sold that are not as accurate, Just higher cost. Civilians can buy the same rifle at half the price the government paid.

What Is the price of today's sniper rifles ? I will bet they are more than $3,000 dollars.

Just saying.

Hard to make a light weight 788. It's about the heaviest action you can use on a short action. They are definitely my favorite remington. But they most likely will never be made again. Let's hope the new owners will learn how to put the bolt handle in the correct spot so that you have full primary extraction. That's the biggest weakness of most 700s. And I would pay the 30 extra bucks for a real 1/4 inch pinned lug. Doesn't matter how straight the action is or barrel shoulder if you sandwhich that cheap stamped lug in between. Most of which are not even close to parralell.
I want to wish the NEW REMINGTON the very best and I for one would like to see 204 caliber in
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