Longest Kill Shot ?

Yesterday evening watched my best friend dump this mumey at 1098y, hit him in the back the f'n neck/head, 18mph wind at his six. I was about 900y from his shooting position, watched the deer fall in my glasses before I heard the shot then came the hoopin and hollering of his excitement, was pretty **** cool, and an excellent and but lucky shot. He has a custom rifle and solid load practices, sig kilo 2400 dialed to his rifle, he's also an excellent shooter and has hit 5 gallon buckets at 2200y. I wouldn't want him shooting at me......


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Simple question: What has been your longest kill shot on varmint or game animal?
I wrote about it hear many years ago, a bobcat at 1197 yards with the 7mm STW.


I could only tell the story publicly because I had witnesses.

I had a better but much shorter kill on a running coyote in a 40 mph crosswind with a .204 Ruger no one would have believed if I hadn't had 7 witnesses along for the ride. Four of us paced it off to an average of 524yards. I perfect shot through the back of his head. The little .204 was completely out of gas and didn't even exit. Don't ask me how I did it, from sighting him to stopping the truck and getting the shot off was less than .30 seconds, it was pure feflex. The cross wind was so bad I was "leading him from about 3 body lengths behind.
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