Longest Kill Shot ?

451 yards with a stock model 70 black shadow in 270wsm with 130gr Winchester ballistic tips from a tree stand on a 6 point Sika deer. Sika are about half the size of Whitetails for the ones that don't know. Also have 2 others over 400 on Sika with the same gun.
I think I replied to this when it was first made, but I shot a mule deer doe at 720yds. In the past two years the closest I shot a deer was 501yds
Not an animal but longest was 1360. Animal was a 4x4 Muley buck at 464 or something like that.

My best shot ever however I think was this morning. I painted a "moose eye" on a steel plate at 506 (hard to find a place to shoot further than that where I'm at right now) and was joking with my uncle yesterday about shooting one in the eye with 1 shot. Wind was 2-3mph R->L and I hit the left edge of the "eye". Went back out this morning before work and no one had shot at that plate since I did yesterday, and this time it was dead calm so I tried it again...modified prone, 1 cold bore shot, pretty much center punched it. Didn't measure the "eye" but you can see my two bullet impacts from the 6.5 Creed. It's the culmination of a few things but that rifle is just shooting awesome right now.
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200 yds coyote .223

Steel plate 700 yds, 6.5 Creedmoor. Would love to harvest a deer with it but we are restricted to straight wall ammo in Iowa for deer season.

70 yds Whitetail 350 legend. Have it dialed in to a nice group at 200 yds with 180gr soft points but didn't have to take a long shot this year.
View attachment 169308 Not an animal but longest was 1360. Animal was a 4x4 Muley buck at 464 or something like that.

My best shot ever however I think was this morning. I painted a "moose eye" on a steel plate at 506 (hard to find a place to shoot further than that where I'm at right now) and was joking with my uncle yesterday about shooting one in the eye with 1 shot. Wind was 2-3mph R->L and I hit the left edge of the "eye". Went back out this morning before work and no one had shot at that plate since I did yesterday, and this time it was dead calm so I tried it again...modified prone, 1 cold bore shot, pretty much center punched it. Didn't measure the "eye" but you can see my two bullet impacts from the 6.5 Creed. It's the culmination of a few things but that rifle is just shooting awesome right now.

Impressive work.
The day I quit missing is the day I quit shooting lol

Reminds me of a BS'r on another forum who after making a long list of ridiculous accomplishments that Roy Rodgers, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday, Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley, Rob Latham, and Jerry Miculek combined couldn't math claimed he's never missed a shot with a pistol... .;)

I pointed out he might be able to peddle that BS in a room full of people who'd never shot a handgun but all he'd done is just show all of us he hadn't ever touched one.

If you've never missed you've never shot.
Wild turkey 96 yds Mathews ChillR bow
Ground Squirrel 336 yds 22 mag
Coyote 909 yds 25-06 115 Nosler CT Silvertip
Hog 690 yds 25-06 115 CT again
Blacktail buck 733 yds 25-06 115 CT again
Whitetail 303 yds 270 wsm 140 Accubond
Mule Deer 584 280 AI 168 Accubond LR
Elk 613 yds 300 win mag 200 ELD-X
Black bear 484 yds 270 wsm 140 Accubond
Cow elk 377 yds 270 wsm 170 Berger
Antelope 595 yds 270 wsm 170 Berger
Blue Jay 288 yds 270 wsm 140 Accubond
Jack Rabbit 180 yds 40 grain 22 LR Browning Buckmark pistol. My best shot ever!
850 and something yards = CROW with a 7mm REM MAG. not shure if l got him or the shrapnel from the rock got him, but it died so yeah l got him :D
yeah told my mates in a jokeing way that l could easyly kill that crow on that rock 850 yards away. thay all laughed. after l pulled the trigger thay went all quiet for a few moments :)
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