Longest Kill Shot ?

425 yds on running hog with 8.5in. 6.8 pistol under a Aimpoint Red dot with 3X. Started at 200 yds with 3 pigs in pasture early morning. Drinking coffee with ranch owner on front porch when he looked up and said look, 3 hogs right out there (200 yds). Ran to truck grabbed my drive around weapon, closest gun, and walked over to fence and off hand hit the first hog, race was on, 12 rds later 2 pigs down 1 to go. Having lost count on mag capacity, launched 13th and final round in mag, bang/flop. 3 witnesses, and by the Holidays, each person there had their own 6.8 pistol. Better lucky than good, and some days both.....
Elk - 456yards 7wsm 160gn TB Bear Claw
Elk 2012.JPG
I use to spend a couple werks every summer as a kid doen there. Fishing off the jettys and the catwalk on the indian river . That was 40-50 years ago . My grandma lived down there, along with a couple uncles and aunts. Good times
I use to spend a couple werks every summer as a kid doen there. Fishing off the jettys and the catwalk on the indian river . That was 40-50 years ago . My grandma lived down there, along with a couple uncles and aunts. Good times
505 yards on a management 10 point with a 308 at my buddies ranch in The Texas panhandle. Dropped like it was hit by a truck.
Deer: 98 yards
Elk: 42 yards
Elk (bow): 8 yards (yes, thats my longest)
Antelope: 242 yards

All rifle kills with 178 ELD-X from a Ruger American Predator in 308. No complaints for the rifle or bullets.

I have an american go wild in .308win. Took two does with it this year using the 125gr TNT. For a handy weight rambling rifle I like it! I wish it came with a slightly nicer stock.
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