Longest Kill Shot ?

Whitetail doe at 330yds, walking with its head up . 7mm mauser, homebuilt with factory Remington 140s . Held on the tip of her nose, propping on a round haybale. Perfect double lung hit. She sprinted 30 yrs and done. Shot several more deer in the same field with different rifles over the years, all at less than 300 yds. It was my never fail meat field. Belly crawled on several to get in for comfortable shots. Hay field was over a mile deep and from 1/4 to 3/4 mile wide. Insanely fun place to hunt meat deer !
South African Baboon- 1726yrds (confirmed) 20180815_151838.jpg
Impala - 681yds
Gemsbok -556yds
Coyote- 829yds
Mountain caribou- 754yds
Yukon Moose -472yds
CO mule deer- 756yds
ID Bull elk - 632yrds
ID Mule deer - 642yrds.
WY Antelope- 748yds
MT Mule Deer - 628yrds

These are just a few of my longest.. I have gobs of kills on coyotes from 400-700yds
Piles of Antelope from 400-650yrds.
Alberta Mule deer 1200yds
Alberta Moose 975yds
Alberta Mule deer 700m Camp Wainwright
moose and deer in the 500 to 600yds
4 wolves in 6 days .. 3 at under 35yds calling them in(1-200yds)


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I know the question was about "longest kill shot". But for me some of my most interesting shots have NOT been about how far away but about how close...

Caribou: 270 yards w/300WSM (shot him through the antler)
Kodiak Island Blacktail Deer: 420 yards w/7MM Magnum (brown bear got this deer)
Moose: 48 yards w/338 Winchester Magnum (he charged me)
Wolf: 29 yards w/300 WSM (after I shot him his 6 pack mates came after me)
Brown Bear (900 lbs): 9 yards w/44 Magnum-320 grain Ace Dubie hard cast bullet
Black Bear (324 lbs): 17 yards w/44 Magnum-320 grain Ace Dubie hard cast bullet
(And I think you can imagine what these two bears did).
I have many many more extremely close shots than long. Largest whitetail to date, 155 inch 6x6 10ft from base of my tree bow kill. Chipmunk 6 ft on the ground bow kill. Spike buck 15 ft 16ga buckshot. While tail doe 25 ft 270 win on the ground face to face. 7 pts buck 25 ft running straight at me fell at my feet 7mm mauser between the eyes. Quail less than 10 ft flying straight at me 16ga a5. Passed a doe at 6 ft on the ground bowhunting . Those off the top of my head. I'm sure there are a few more that will come to me if I think hard enough.
South African Baboon- 1726yrds (confirmed)View attachment 153785
Impala - 681yds
Gemsbok -556yds
Coyote- 829yds
Mountain caribou- 754yds
Yukon Moose -472yds
CO mule deer- 756yds
ID Bull elk - 632yrds
ID Mule deer - 642yrds.
WY Antelope- 748yds
MT Mule Deer - 628yrds

These are just a few of my longest.. I have gobs of kills on coyotes from 400-700yds
Piles of Antelope from 400-650yrds.

House fly at 8' with a dart made a sewing needle and a pheasant feather.
Coues WT 400,420 6.5-270AI @ 3020fps 142SMK

Antelope 390 .270 accubond,
460 6.5-270AI 142 smk
411 6.5-270AI 142 smk
395 300 win mag 208 ELDm
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