Define light weight. Get a regular Remington 700 and take it if concerned about weight. They don't weigh anything. Where you going in Africa. IF S. Africa, you won't be doing much walking anyway, as mostly driving, spot and short stalk. As noted , if you're not going to hunt Buff or Elephant, etc. 06 MORE than enough gun. Africa has like a 190 different animals you can hunt. 150 of them as small or smaller than a Pronghorn antelope. The largest Antelope you're likely to shoot, if a trophy hunter , is an Eland. They can be heavy, but also "soft" and an 06 will kill them fine. Mine too 1 shot, 165gr Nosler partition. Kudu about the same size as a smaller Elk, but also soft. Hit them where you should, just behind the shoulder, and they'll go down now. Impala run a 110 lbs or so, springbok, 75 or so Gemsbok 300 - 400 and if hit right, go down now. And Gemsbok/Oryx supposed to be tough. Then a whole lot of stuff in the 25-50 lb class. Most people over in RSA shoot a 308, 7x57, stuff like that. If I can get an e-mail address, can send photos of stuff. Also, DON'T go heavy on the bullets. In the 06, a 150gr Barnes Ttsx as good as it gets. Last time I was over (took god grandson) he shot a 308 with 130gr Ttsx and killed everything with one shot. Also not much in the way of "long" shots, most stuff within a 100 yds. We used a Winchester 88 in 308. Drop me a PM with an e-mail address and I'll shoot you back some pictures. Have also used a 280 Rem. with 140gr Ttsx. Killed like lightening. 066Waly right on the money.