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Idaho wolf control board seeks $200,000 to kill wolves

Some want complete extinction of the wolf from the lower 48. That is a stance I do not agree with.
Sound management based on science is needed. The radical views that an animal should be rendered extinct are popular on this board.
MON, I have never been for the annihilation of any species. I've always felt that there are places for every body and every thing. Besides, how could I hunt wolves if we wipe them all out?
That attitude is waning, however.
My problem is that they are not, and never have been managed properly. It seems like the people who expect to just take a leisurely drive through Wyoming and see wolves have more of a say than those who live there and have to deal with the wolves on a daily basis.

When they "reintroduced" wolves to YNP, it was agreed that in order to be delisted there needed to be 10 breeding pairs in 2 "recovery zones". Then it was changed to 30 pairs. By 2005, there was an estimated wolf population in the Northern Rockies of 1000, yet because of court battles pursued by animal rights activist organizations they weren't actually delisted until 2011!

I understand that there were places that the elk population was too high. Some of those same areas now have a population of near zero, yet the Mt FWP STILL only allows 2 wolves to be taken.
At that rate, they are not even CLOSE to keeping up with pup production!

Anyway, I digress.

You say you want them managed based on science. Can you explain exactly what you think they should do?
Do you think they have been managed well?
Proposed Big Game Hunting Rules for 2019 - 2020
Fish and Game has proposed big game hunting seasons and rules changes based on new information from biologists, public input, and surveys over the last year.

The proposed seasons are broken down by region, then for deer, elk, pronghorn, bear, lion, and wolf.

Hunters can view by region and comment on the proposed hunting seasons and rules changes using this online survey: Big Game Seasons and Rules Proposals

Comment deadline, February 24, 2019

If you click on anyone of the hunting units on this page you can scroll through each page of the topics at hand. Move to the last page though and write your comments to the ID F&G.

At the very last page anyone can make comments on "anything they'd like to have the ID F&G Dept. to read". Please do so, you will have to leave your name and email address BTW.

The Elk and Deer can't speak up for what the State has brought on them, so it's up to us to speak up for them......... I'd rather be shot then eaten alive, and I'd think anyone, anti-hunter or not would agree with that!?! Actually the anti-hunters seems to think being eaten alive is Naturally better........ just not themselves being eaten alive...... only another living creature!

We lost what once a great food source for ourselves, food banks, a thriving industry built around hunting is now at the losing end of a wolf never introduced here, and for what other purpose then to take away what I once enjoyed having around.

Can't even see an Elk in Yellowstone N.P. anymore....... So I guess that's just as it was intended to be....... What kind of a sick joke is that anyway? I haven't seen a Elk in three weeks around where I live, and that's sad!
Some want complete extinction of the wolf from the lower 48. That is a stance I do not agree with.
Sound management based on science is needed. The radical views that an animal should be rendered extinct are popular on this board.
I don't quite agree with your statement. I was born and raised in a small Idaho town. Most of the people I know and grew up with hunt to fill the freezer. It is very hard to sit and watch what has happened over the years here with the big game populations. This includes our moose and deer also. I work in the woods every day and have seen firsthand what these wolves do. I do not believe my views are "radical" and I along with all of my neighbors lived here before these wolves were dropped on us. Although I don't believe we will ever be able to eradicate them I still look for every opportunity to kill one. Please don't judge the people that want the wolves gone. A lot of "them" live right in the middle of all this crap and are just trying to help protect OUR elk herds.
FWIW I never saw a single Moose this winter! They have always been around during the winters here, and now they've gone AWOL......... That's not from over hunting by mankind either, and Elk in such small numbers that is evident the Wolf has cause a huge reduction to the herds where I live.
Wolves and hooved animals lived side by side for thousands of years. Nature works just fine. Sorry if all you out west have to actually hunt now instead of just glassing from the road. Wolves keep elk moving which helps the trees which brings in more beavers creating more water areas for birds and other species. That's how nature works. Is it healthy to see herds with thousands of elk in them? No it's not.
This makes zero sense. Since when did carnivores live next to their food source? Where do you live and how have you been effected by wolves? Our selway elk herd alone dropped from 23k down to less than 5k within 5 years of the wolves being put here. I'm normally patient with folks, but you are part of the problem if you think introducing a predator that was NOT here before, is a good idea.
Really? You are as bad as all the hippy tree huggers and socialists.
Difference is, we are fighting an invasive species which kills for fun. Our friends run sheep on 10k plus acres. Ask them and other sheep herders how many sheep a small pack of wolves kill and DONT eat. They simply waste. That is meat and other things people can harvest instead of being wasted. Unless you are here to SEE it and EXPERIENCE it, your opinion is ignorant and not welcome.
Wolves and hooved animals lived side by side for thousands of years. Nature works just fine. Sorry if all you out west have to actually hunt now instead of just glassing from the road. Wolves keep elk moving which helps the trees which brings in more beavers creating more water areas for birds and other species. That's how nature works. Is it healthy to see herds with thousands of elk in them? No it's not.

I believe what you fail to understand....is that the reasoning for the plains game to hqve been pushed into the mountains was the apex predator...MAN....isolated like they were while fhe wolf numbers were zilch allowed them to carry on a relatively peaceful life...that meaning breeding..calving.....surviving.......the elk numbers flourished in the mountains to a point....the ranchers took natural corridors away from the traveling animals and restricted them away from crop land and grazing land......then the money overrode everything....ranchers leasing out properties to high dollar guides..guides then pushing elk from the public lands back onto the private to control the herds 'during season's and then pushing them back off the ranch after...so the elk became a commodity.......well the reintroduction of wolves into the lands has done nothing good...."oh they only eat the sick and dying"....complete bs pushed ignorant people like yourself....the wolves knkw the food source can leave their area and make due to kill
or maim as many as possible...so in political correctness..yes they do eat the sick and ill....which they created by wounding animals so they run off to die or linger until they come back for the next meal....
If you don't live in the area all you have is second wind blowing smokeupyourass......
And to see herds of elk in the thousands....sounds like you like to go to Jackson hole.....i have seen it once...primetime 3 years ago....1000 head where there is usually 10000+.....the elk have to find places to live and if that means they pack together to give themselves a chance to survive the winter from wolves..how is that any different than African herds..........rant over.....
How long does your brain take to retract that statement....unless someone has already beaten me to it(I sure hope lots of you did)...
Where do you think the USFWS gets their money......taxes.......duh...

There are roughly a million people in Montana, and like 330 million in the US. Hell, there are something like 140 million TAXPAYERS in the US.

It wasn't Montanans who wanted them, why on earth should WE pay to get rid of them? Should those of us that live here have to pay for the lie that the USFWS perpetuated on us?

I stand by my statement.
why is Idaho is issuing depradation permits for antlerless elk right now? How many depradation permits are being issued in other states?
It's spelled Depredation BTW. The reason is landowners/farmers land can only handle so many animals grazing on their land, i.e. their Cows, Horses, or Sheep..... the Elk go there to feed, and be free from the Wolves...... Ranchers don't tolerate Wolves therefore the Elk find some relief in the Farmers sanctuary but the Hayfields can only sustain so many animals and/or the cost of Hay as feed.

This is why depredation tags are issued around, (within a mile) of or on Ranch/Farmlands in the State of Idaho.
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