I apologize if it is not your intent but you come across as disirous of an aggressive argument or opportunity to point out some error or falacy in my project.
My question is based on all this talk of neck length and shoulder angle. It must be based on something. What do you expect from a few degree change one way or another that would affect performance as significantly as capacity?
I don't understand the "all this talk" narrative. Please clarify your intent.
Same with the "What do you expect ..." comment.
If I owned Quick Load I would run the calculation myself. What is the effects of the shallowest shoulder angle it will take verses the steepest angle it will accept?
Then buy QuickLoad and learn to use it properly. This project is my learning opportunity, I will share as I desire. While interesting the exploration of permutations of neck length, shoulder angle, burn path, heat transfer path, erosion caused etc. is well beyond the scope of my project.
As for my opinion on what will happen or what difference a "few degrees" will make, well it's my opinion. It's not necessarily based on data, that has been covered by Ackley, Litz, Weatherby and others far better than I can. This is my project and I can do it as I want.
If increasing the shoulder angle was a failed concept wildcaters would have stopped long ago.
If neck length had no influence on internal ballistics it would have evolves to a perfect standard long ago.
If the relationship between neck length and shoulder angle could have been expressed as a perfect formula it would have been deciphered long ago.
A good old ooh and ahh and a little wow I wish I was working on one of my own would go a long way toward a finding out what my thoughts and processes are.lightbulb
This is just good old fashioned show and tell. I don't need to prove anything just sharing. I'll prove plenty to myself if it functions atall, let alone as intended.