This is whats wrong with hunting today

I've read it multiple times, I don't understand pounding a guy over a clean kill, yep, he's presenting info on a comparison we can poke hole in BUT in his context, factory ammo comparison he's just pulling data off boxes and he's closer to correct in his context than he's off.
If we go Fudd on every guy early in the process we'll be contributing to the death of hunting.
This guy has more pull in the industry in our current culture than 99% of this forum combined, do you really think the best way to push him or more importantly those who follow his channel, is this thread and how it presents this forum.
We want to influence them to do better, lift up the hunting tradition and industry there's probably a better track, especially on a forum that is the OG of redefining limits!!
The context of the OP is not pounding a guy over a clean kill....presenting info we can poke fun at is IMO completely off the mark. The defending of him pulling info off boxes and calling anything he's saying is correct is the point of this. He has no relevant context. It's a laughable, fallacy of comparison with imaginary context, in which we reduce everything down to "comparable" just to prove an incomplete/inaccurate point to the ill-advised. That's the point. About the only thing I feel defending his comparison does is prove the point of the thread. As for pull in the industry, I don't see how that's relevant. If he does have this so called pull than he could be doing the very thing you say we should be doing. And that's influencing his following by providing accurate, fair and complete comparisons. You know, the type of stuff we try to do here...not for likes, and follows and clicks, or "pull in the industry..." But more because we don't care about "pull" we care about being accurate and complete in our mentoring or advice. We take pride in passing on complete knowledge so our friends can make their own informed decisions based on trusted data they receive. Not off irrelevant comparisons some jackwagon spewed out in a video they watched.
I agree fellas. Although I have quite a bit of distaste for this guy I didn't mean to start a hate thread. Sometimes you feel like speaking up is stupid or will be frowned upon but I see so such much of this stuff. You want to comment on it but realize how petty it is because it really doesn't matter or it falls on deaf ears. My thinking is that discussions here is my way of reinforcing my dislike for today's mainstream views on hunting. I guess I feel like it doesn't fall on deaf ears here.
But isn't that also part of the problem nowadays....We don't speak up enough because of backlash. This country is getting weaker by the day. I would think that most of us on this site are the last generations with a backbone and should call out stupidity when needed.
The context of the OP is not pounding a guy over a clean kill....presenting info we can poke fun at is IMO completely off the mark. The defending of him pulling info off boxes and calling anything he's saying is correct is the point of this. He has no relevant context. It's a laughable, fallacy of comparison with imaginary context, in which we reduce everything down to "comparable" just to prove an incomplete/inaccurate point to the ill-advised. That's the point. About the only thing I feel defending his comparison does is prove the point of the thread. As for pull in the industry, I don't see how that's relevant. If he does have this so called pull than he could be doing the very thing you say we should be doing. And that's influencing his following by providing accurate, fair and complete comparisons. You know, the type of stuff we try to do here...not for likes, and follows and clicks, or "pull in the industry..." But more because we don't care about "pull" we care about being accurate and complete in our mentoring or advice. We take pride in passing on complete knowledge so our friends can make their own informed decisions based on trusted data they receive. Not off irrelevant comparisons some jackwagon spewed out in a video they watched.

Best part is that he's comparing info off a factory ammo box, as if it's law. Clearly he has never run factory ammo across a chrono.
Part of me agrees with everyone, dead is dead but there also is no replacement for displacement, I want the biggest thing I can shoot well. I know shot placement is key but I'd want something big and powerful for those shots when things go wrong whether it be a quartering shot or maybe the animal takes a step when the round is in the air whatever the case may be I think something strong can kind of pick up the slack in that department.
Best part is that he's comparing info off a factory ammo box, as if it's law. Clearly he has never run factory ammo across a chrono.
He has, one episode he's dialing in a gun and he's chronographing the velocity but he also confirms his ballistics with a long range shot, accomplish the same thing as a chrono for the ranges he's shooting.
At his level why would we be expecting him to do more than compare box ammo? We all did at one time at that experience level just didn't have social media so the guys who are at a higher level could make a thread about how stupid we are, wish us harm while hunting and sling poacher accusations at us!
The context of the OP is not pounding a guy over a clean kill....presenting info we can poke fun at is IMO completely off the mark. The defending of him pulling info off boxes and calling anything he's saying is correct is the point of this. He has no relevant context. It's a laughable, fallacy of comparison with imaginary context, in which we reduce everything down to "comparable" just to prove an incomplete/inaccurate point to the ill-advised. That's the point. About the only thing I feel defending his comparison does is prove the point of the thread. As for pull in the industry, I don't see how that's relevant. If he does have this so called pull than he could be doing the very thing you say we should be doing. And that's influencing his following by providing accurate, fair and complete comparisons. You know, the type of stuff we try to do here...not for likes, and follows and clicks, or "pull in the industry..." But more because we don't care about "pull" we care about being accurate and complete in our mentoring or advice. We take pride in passing on complete knowledge so our friends can make their own informed decisions based on trusted data they receive. Not off irrelevant comparisons some jackwagon spewed out in a video they watched.
Again, proving what wrong with hunting today!!
He's obviously not reloading and shooting box ammo so box ammo is going to be a part of the context, in that context he's correct, he's just reading ballistic info off a box.
His equating BC and chambering proves he's not completely confident in his terminology and not at what I would expect from on forum, I was wrong.
He give some thoughts on energy which he's shakey on citing a couple ideas some people hold on energy, I see no issue there, none of us agree on that and it's going to be a metric you personally develop over time.
If he was comparing the best you can achieve with a long range specific build and reloading, yep he's completely off base BUT that's not what he's doing so we can't evaluate it from that view point.
He brings up bullet function on a bear at 400 yards, I would expect the exact results he saw especially with his comparison of a 7 and 300 prc with larger bullets, black bears in the rockies, even a larger boar are extremely soft targets, their bone structure is so light I put them more in a varmint class than big game when choosing bullets, most guys shoot way to much bullet and see a LOT of running.
I've shot a lot of stuff with smaller class chambering with excellent bullets, if the bullet works it can be hard to guess the bullet or chambering off wound channel.
Not understanding the platform and pull or caring is just proving my point, if you look at some of the older and wiser names in the industry, they are really waving the red flag right now about where their seeing the future of hunting going at the legislative level and how fragmented the hunting community is as a whole. The fact of the matter is he's a hunter and one with a large social influence which is how our culture currently operates regardless of what we personally think. We can not at this time afford to alienate large groups of hunter over what amounts to white noise.

If you started this thread to make a stand on facts and passing on quality data not just your biased opinion, why didn't you address the gross incorrect facts as they were presented in this thread, every couple pages someone makes the poacher comment, that has been proven false yet I didn't see you making sure that misinformation was corrected.
Multiple times people have based their judgement of other hunters simply based on a flat hat brim, I don't see you correcting that obvious bias with no fact base opinion.
Multiple times completely incorrect ballistic guess have been posted, time of flight and energy seems to be the most common, clearly and easily busted yet not by you, in your own thread your claiming you just want to stand on facts but clearly personal attacks and biased opinion are ruling the thread. Your thread produced guys who think it's OK to hope he gets the Tredwell treatment, I'd submit your thread bears every bit as much responsibility of what wrong as his video if not more because this thread is specifically dividing not educating or building the hunting community.

I'm not saying I'm a fan of his, I watched him and others like Hushn more from a let's see what they screw up now and critical Fudd perspective, however in the big picture of hunting and it's future it's united we stand divided we fall, the people after our hunting don't care what any of us shoot or the accuracy of our data, to them we are ALL the same because we hunt not how we hunt, that's the real enemy not other hunters.
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Again, proving what wrong with hunting today!!
He's obviously not reloading and shooting box ammo so box ammo is going to be a part of the context, in that context he's correct, he's just reading ballistic info off a box.
His equating BC and chambering proves he's not completely confident in his terminology and not at what I would expect from on forum, I was wrong.
He give some thoughts on energy which he's shakey on citing a couple ideas some people hold on energy, I see no issue there, none of us agree on that and it's going to be a metric you personally develop over time.
If he was comparing the best you can achieve with a long range specific build and reloading, yep he's completely off base BUT that's not what he's doing so we can't evaluate it from that view point.
He brings up bullet function on a bear at 400 yards, I would expect the exact results he saw especially with his comparison of a 7 and 300 prc with larger bullets, black bears in the rockies, even a larger boar are extremely soft targets, their bone structure is so light I put them more in a varmint class than big game when choosing bullets, most guys shoot way to much bullet and see a LOT of running.
I've shot a lot of stuff with smaller class chambering with excellent bullets, if the bullet works it can be hard to guess the bullet or chambering off wound channel.
Not understanding the platform and pull or caring is just proving my point, if you look at some of the older and wiser names in the industry, they are really waving the red flag right now about where their seeing the future of hunting going at the legislative level and how fragmented the hunting community is as a whole. The fact of the matter is he's a hunter and one with a large social influence which is how our culture currently operates regardless of what we personally think. We can not at this time afford to alienate large groups of hunter over what amounts to white noise.

If you started this thread to make a stand on facts and passing on quality data not just your biased opinion, why didn't you address the gross incorrect facts as they were presented in this thread, every couple pages someone makes the poacher comment, that has been proven false yet I didn't see you making sure that misinformation was corrected.
Multiple times people have based their judgement of other hunters simply based on a flat hat brim, I don't see you correcting that obvious bias with no fact base opinion.
Multiple times completely incorrect ballistic guess have been posted, time of flight and energy seems to be the most common, clearly and easily busted yet not by you, in your own thread your claiming you just want to stand on facts but clearly personal attacks and biased opinion are ruling the thread. Your thread produced guys who think it's OK to hope he gets the Tredwell treatment, I'd submit your thread bears every bit as much responsibility of what wrong as his video if not more because this thread is specifically dividing not educating or building the hunting community.

I'm not saying I'm a fan of his, I watched him and others like Hushn more from a let's see what they screw up now and critical Fudd perspective, however in the big picture of hunting and it's future it's united we stand divided we fall, the people after our hunting don't care what any of us shoot or the accuracy of our data, to them we are ALL the same because we hunt not how we hunt, that's the real enemy not other hunters.
I'm sorry you feel intrigued to defend this person for spewing out garbage that's not relevant. It's clear that your reason seems to trump common critical thinking. If you actually read the thread and my post you'll understand the points you're making are not relevant. You'll actually see I'm not here to address the gross incorrect fact in this thread. People don't start a thread to derail it for themselves. Although you seem to think derailing is important and would like to criticize OPs trying to talk about the facts presented or NOT presented in this case as accurately as possible. Which is in fact is the basis for THIS THREAD. It's not about arguing your opinions on any specific cartridge or bullet class (which you have clearly done). People have zero control over the direction their thread goes. It's not my job to moderate the derailment of my thread and the kind of nonsense that people decide to talk about. Nor is it my place to do it on the youtube. Your position, on peoples decisions to talk about what they wish and that being contrary to my thread(just as you are) is cynical at best. If you actually read the thread you'll see I have in many cases called BS and debunked the BS comments about the mans attire. Although I could care less about topics irrelevant to the OP I have commented but always tried to keep it on track.
All this said, I feel you are wrong. The man in the video is bogus. He deserves zero praise nor acceptance from me. I do not like how he carries himself, presents info incorrectly as if it's fact and I think he is what's wrong with hunting today. Sure some of it exists on this forum and maybe even on this thread but my thread isn't about my thread. It's about the guy in the video who is a bag. There are many of us smarter than that because we know better than to protect people like that. He is used as an example of what not to do. If you think that's inaccurate that's OK. But you are welcome to excuse yourself from this thread at any time because that's what this thread is about. And I believe there's plenty of support in favor of that
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Yes, you did correct a couple, and to be fair, my bad.

You keep saying the OP is about facts, all you've presented is emotional trama and name calling, it honestly comes off mostly as a personal issue at this point, especially when extremely knowledgeable guys, with solid in the feild experience take you to task and you just side step by telling them they don't understand the thread instead of dropping some relevant facts.
Maybe your right and a bunch of use aren't getting your point or maybe we get your point and think it's just click bait for Fudd points and see little difference between the video and the OP.
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Basically, they think they're way smarter than the older folks. They've figured out the hack for hunting and everything else is "fuddlore," or "boomer" ways of thinking.
Not exactly standing up for the YT guys as I haven't seen the video but if one did a comparison of current knowledge vs Fudd-lore the Fudd-lore losses 11 times out of 10!
It's not even a close comparison.
I remember way back in the day if you had a Redfield 3X9, the one with the ocular ring that had the shape of a TV you were in "high cotton".
Don't forget the ubiquitous "see through" mounts so that you can use iron sights for close in shots!
Both were trash.
Not exactly standing up for the YT guys as I haven't seen the video but if one did a comparison of current knowledge vs Fudd-lore the Fudd-lore losses 11 times out of 10!
It's not even a close comparison.
Why don't you watch the video and weigh in for yourself. Tell us what you think his current knowledge explains about himself😏

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