I have not judged a single person here on this web site! A simple statement of fact. What I did say was that there is a moral imperative that we hunt in an ethical manner which requires that we kill the game animal humanly with a single, quickly fatal, shot and that the longer the range, the more unlikely that becomes. Then I stated my personal belief that shooting at live game at any range past the "Point Blank Range" was not a good choice as it left too much to chance. Examples; the laser ranges on a bug, or discarded soda can and gives the wrong range, or even at the end of the longer PBR of a cannon like a my .300RUM, or .338 Lapua, or .378 family of super guns, a single unseen, or unfelt puff of wind shortly down range can blow the bullet off course just enough to turn a heart shot into a gut shot. These are my personal beliefs. I shared them with you all. I only stated my own rules and the reason why I use them. If you are that good that you can reliably range the target, accurately estimate the wind conditions at longer ranges and control your weapon to place the shot and are willing shoot at longer ranges, that is your choice and responsibility. This is America where we take personal responsibility and I just said my opinion.