The 6mm-06 will be a small brother to my 6.5-06's.
Inspection & sorting, then, 9-10 grains of HP38 & some real old CCI 350's & COW (cream of wheat) makes the cheap brass uniform & fit real good (est. 20,000 psi). Then F/L sizing, neck turning (.288), trimming & annealing. Real easy to produce 100 cases. A cost analysis of the situation given $90.99/50 Norma & $36.99/20 Weatherby brass clears the way for the somewhat arduous & labor intensive production of the common, ordinary, & antiquated host but high performing 6.5-06 round. .30-06 Lapua brass ($115/100) for ultimate high quality belt-less ammo.
Barnes 6mm & 6.5 Match Burners are a good deal & shoot good. I plan to use 6mm 87 Vmax & 95 Berger VLD bullets in the new 6mm -06.
Edit: The three shot 6.5-06 group shown below measured about .44 inch at 200. I think, the extra work (sorting, COW FF, trimming, turning annealing) helps when shooting beyond 400 out to 1,000. Turning necks is probably the most important as it provides a nice slip fit of bullets into cheap, fired, un-sized brass having variable neck wall thicknesses. Using new 6.5-.284 Lapua brass in a 6.5-.284 would really speed things up.
Edit 2: COW FF would result in uniform head-space using brass dumped out of the bag.
I plan the use the future 6mm -06 for long range yote shooting.