Wyoming results are up

Been hunting private land on a great ranch near Gillette for years. Unfortunately, a prairie fire went through last year and hit the ranch pretty hard. Asked us to take a year off to let the land recover. I'll be a like a caged lion the first week of October this fall thinking where I should have been. Good luck to those who are out there getting it done!
Just wondering if anyone has hunted area 17 or would know of any private land that I could get permission to hunt on. This is my first trip out west to go hunting so any advice is appreciated. This hunt is for antelope and from what I've read it can get pretty crazy the first week of season with all the hunters out there. Thanks in advance.
In areas that have very limited access for pronghorn, delaying your hunt for a week or 3 can make a huge difference; even better is to put it off until nearer the end of the season. The majority of hunters show up for the opening week, the shooting stops 2 weekends later. If you can't find access, go late
In areas that have very limited access for pronghorn, delaying your hunt for a week or 3 can make a huge difference; even better is to put it off until nearer the end of the season. The majority of hunters show up for the opening week, the shooting stops 2 weekends later. If you can't find access, go late
Thanks for the info. I was kinda thinking about doing that but we put in as a group drawing and the other guy thinks we have to hunt opening week. I'll share the info with them.
Just wondering if anyone has hunted area 17 or would know of any private land that I could get permission to hunt on. This is my first trip out west to go hunting so any advice is appreciated. This hunt is for antelope and from what I've read it can get pretty crazy the first week of season with all the hunters out there. Thanks in advance.
I have hunted area 17 four times. I am lucky enough to have a friend with some private property there. There is public land in area 17, just make sure you use a GPS. There are a couple of walk in areas just north- east of Recluse that I have seen pronghorn on, and usually not too many hunters. I never hunt the first week of season due to crowds. but that is just me. It is close enough to work that I usually hunt in the evening.
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