Wyoming results are up

Not to be the guy looking for tag advice, but there seems to be a lot of leftover deer doe tags. How much difficulty would I have getting on a muley doe in the eastern/central part of the state? Currently have unit 26 antelope buck tags.
Drew everything I applied for; 3 deer tags, 3 goat tags, 2 elk tags and a turkey license. Never happened before, will likely never happen again. Will try to get two more turkey tags, a region G deer tag and maybe a 23-2 goat tag...
Drew everything I applied for; 3 deer tags, 3 goat tags, 2 elk tags and a turkey license. Never happened before, will likely never happen again. Will try to get two more turkey tags, a region G deer tag and maybe a 23-2 goat tag...
First of all congrats but how does that happen? I don't know much about WY hunting and just started applying for tags a year ago. I assume residents have more availability then non res like me (as it should be in my opinion). But damg…8 animals for 1 guy…. That's 1/2 awesome (if I was the one getting drawn) and 1/2 sucks for the rest of us
First of all congrats but how does that happen? I don't know much about WY hunting and just started applying for tags a year ago. I assume residents have more availability then non res like me (as it should be in my opinion). But damg…8 animals for 1 guy…. That's 1/2 awesome (if I was the one getting drawn) and 1/2 sucks for the rest of us
That's one of the benefits of being a Wyoming resident. Residents don't use/gain points, and more of the quota is allotted for residents, but as he said, it's a fluke that he drew everything he applied for. There are residents in this thread that didn't get a tag.
As a non resident applying in Wyoming, you have to study and not swing for the fences. Especially if you just started gaining points. There are a lot of tags you will never draw. The point creep in some species/units is 1 point a year and the pool of point holders is so deep that high point holders will never get drawn.
Drew everything I applied for; 3 deer tags, 3 goat tags, 2 elk tags and a turkey license. Never happened before, will likely never happen again. Will try to get two more turkey tags, a region G deer tag and maybe a 23-2 goat tag...
What deer tags did you draw ? If you drew a limited quota buck tag you can also purchase a general tag . You can have two limited quota buck tags but not a general. Not two generals. Resident can hunt any region with a general tag. Non res and res can't hunt limited quota areas within a region . Non res hunts are region specific. Resident and non res can only have one type 1 antelope buck tag . Non res and res can get quite a few for lope and deer tags. 2 cow elk tags . Just some info for no residents that may not know. Couple years ago I had 3 doe lope , 4 doe whitetail and and general deer tag.
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That's one of the benefits of being a Wyoming resident. Residents don't use/gain points, and more of the quota is allotted for residents, but as he said, it's a fluke that he drew everything he applied for. There are residents in this thread that didn't get a tag.
As a non resident applying in Wyoming, you have to study and not swing for the fences. Especially if you just started gaining points. There are a lot of tags you will never draw. The point creep in some species/units is 1 point a year and the pool of point holders is so deep that high point holders will never get drawn.
Sounds like a ponzi scheme.
Dang, Don, that just stinks! Shooting rocks is ok for a few minutes but they taste like, well, rocks. Hope you draw something good elsewhere! DT in MT
Lol ! Didn't apply for lope again in Mt.. not going to N.M. this year. Didn't draw in Ut. or Nv.. Co. just points. Waiting on Az. results. Drew X12 deer in Ca.. Burned my points. Its by Bridgeport / Nv. border. Drew it last year but they shut down all Nat. Forest in Ca. because of fires. They did an unpresidented thing and let me turn in tag and got refund. Ca. state law says no refunds on deer tags 😁 maybe this year I can hunt it before the state burns up. I have max elk points there. They give only one non res elk tag ...
Sounds like a ponzi scheme.
It kind does. With 15k tags total available, and 75%of those to residents, the remaining 3750 tags are being applied for by 30,000 non residents. Those with the top points draw 1st and the remaining 26k build a point and go into next years pool , which is now larger by 26k point holders. Next year it repeats over and over.
If the unit you want to hunt requires X points and you have x-1, your only hope is the tiny fragment that draws in the random draw. You will never catch up. The odds of drawing drop exponentially every year. Best odds of hunting the prime areas of Wyoming is to become a resident.
Been lucky enough to draw an 87 tag twice , got a fair 4x4 and the 8x7 in my avitar. Taken a few nice antelope out of that area but have waited 10 years to draw the elk tag.
I hunted a ranch for 5 years that incompassed 89- 87. I had 40 acres in 89 but could never draw. Killed some nice lope bucks in same area 68 and 69. Killed one nice buck deer in 87 near Imagrant Rock in 1992 I think. Never hunted elk in Ferris or Green mtns. Your elk tag is a blue chip. Good luck and keep up posted !
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