Are Wyoming two tracks public roads?

You should do well.

Looking at the OnX map for Wyoming there is a nice amount of accessible land in Unit 9. I know it may sound obvious, but the walk in areas are just that - walk in, with no vehicle traffic allowed even if you see a 2 track there. They are usually posted as such too.

Let us know how it goes.
I will be heading to Wyoming area 21 tomorrow morning. I too had the same questions about the public/private two track question. I called the game warden for that area and he walked me through the map. We both had the BLM maps for the area and he told me exactly which roads are county roads, which allow public access from end to end. He spent probably twenty minutes on the phone with me making sure I had a clear understanding of the laws. Very very helpful!!!
Talking to the game warden is an excellent idea! Is their phone number on the game and fish website?
Just back home from Wyoming, and everything went very well. The GPS/Wyoming chip was easily the most valuable tool I had (other than my rifle) and the Delorme map got quite a bit of usage too. Thanks too all of you that gave advice!
I called the game warden before I left and he explained that two tracks can be traveled on if the land is public, but as soon as the two track reaches deeded land you have to stop.
We had an awesome hunt, and will definitely be back!
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