Shoot big game from the road/vehicle in wyoming?

Most the country I had the opportunity to hunt as I was growing up was and still is timber company land.....for the most part big beautiful gravel roads allover the sides of mountains..with small pieces of private land you think the private land owners think twice about shooting a critter from the road or over a hood or through the rolled down window.....doubtful....
Yeah..shooting from an enclosed cab is not sporting...howabout shooting through the window of a boxblind....
If you really need to justify the shooting of a critter from a vehicle or from the hood....i can long as no one other than the critter got hurt.....
A few years ago my buddy drew a non-resident moose tag in New Brunswick. I joined him on the hunt even though I could not hunt or handle a firearm. I road in a raised platform in the bed of a pick-up truck and help scout for the moose as we drove on logging roads.

When a large moose was spotted near the top of a clear cut the guide/outfitter yanked the truck door open and slapped a big sandbag right in the hinge area of the open door. The shot was taken and the moose was hit. Not sure what the provincial regs are in New Brunswick but it didn't seem like a big deal out in the middle of nowhere and the licensed guide certainly was good with the practice.

Hunting regulations vary widely depending upon location. Nothing can really be taken for granted.
Born and raised in PA. Hunted here for 45 years. I know title 34 of PA code in and out. Nothing wrong with shooting over a road as long as it is high enough to not endanger activity on the road.
How can you possibly "know" there is no one within 10 miles?
simple. You cannot. You just have to be sure of your target and have a safe backstop.
What would I do without such smart people here on this board? Thank you for educating me.
I just finished my third day of hiking hunts...probably close to 20 miles up and down and all I started at 3000' and hit just shy of my mark on the back ridge(1/4 mile) at 8100'....three deer in first canyon..then from the ridge I glasses a decent buck....ranged at 1468 yards...and probably 1000' higher(as I already descended 500-1000'....but as the next canyon went up and down....maybe 1.5 miles...i tried getting closer but I was way too low to see him again(thank God)..would have been a fiasco to climb back to the top to see if I hit it.....let alone start the 3 mile pack drag(I use a cabelas deer sled)heavy but rollable good on elk too.....especially in the snow...just not around blow down trees).......then...just like the other afternoons of driving out of the woods..being dog comes the road hunters....bunches and bunches..........its amazing.....but they do kill deer right before dark.....
I just finished my third day of hiking hunts...probably close to 20 miles up and down and all I started at 3000' and hit just shy of my mark on the back ridge(1/4 mile) at 8100'....three deer in first canyon..then from the ridge I glasses a decent buck....ranged at 1468 yards...and probably 1000' higher(as I already descended 500-1000'....but as the next canyon went up and down....maybe 1.5 miles...i tried getting closer but I was way too low to see him again(thank God)..would have been a fiasco to climb back to the top to see if I hit it.....let alone start the 3 mile pack drag(I use a cabelas deer sled)heavy but rollable good on elk too.....especially in the snow...just not around blow down trees).......then...just like the other afternoons of driving out of the woods..being dog comes the road hunters....bunches and bunches..........its amazing.....but they do kill deer right before dark.....
Doing the leg work is all part of it; you will cherish those memories some day down the road. Road hunting is not what I do. However, Ill tell you........... some 40 years ago. I went on a hunt weekend with a chum from work and I bagged nothing, he got a doe & we had it tied on top of the VW bug.. On the way home I got on the Highway and got the toll ticket. As I got on to the highway up to speed in my yellow Vw bug. I saw a huge deer run into a shot wooded area just off the road. I pulled over and my partner and I got out and went into the wood patch with our guns. All of a sudden I looked and this huge buck was looking at me. 25yds I raided my shotgun and fired one shot. I hit him in the spine. He was just laying there My partner put a 32 auto pistol in his ear to finish him off. We gutted him there and dragged him to the road. One on one side one on the other we dragged him up over the front windshield and cross tied both deer to the door handles and drove off. I can still recall all the looks we had with two dead deer tied on the Yellow bug with red blood all over the windshield, doors and the rest of the thing, two hunters and with the wheels bowed out. I still have the rack; perfectly symmetrical 8 point. I not proud of that but that was last century and I was young....true story
26Reload, you might want to look into deboning your deer. The gutless method is much less mess, and you only carry out 1/2 the weight. I once carried out a cow elk in two trips (although my knees hurt for the next two weeks). Dealing with deadfall is tough. Fortunately, I usually hunt where that isn't an issue.
Even the PA wildlife guys, that I've encountered while hunting groundhogs, don't seem to agree on the meaning of this section. It specifically requires a hunter to "alight from a vehicle" to possibly be in violation of the code.
I hunted groundhogs on a large farm where I set up a table 10-15' from the road and shoot directly away from the road. I occasionally shoot WITH the landowner. I was stopped by Game Commission Officers who claimed that I was in violation of the code. When I explained that I did not alight from a vehicle and that my SUV was parked some distance away and that I had been there for several hours it didn't seem to matter. As a courtesy to the officers, I just packed up and moved to another farm. However, further discussion with the Game Commission revealed that the section ONLY applies to road hunting which starts with alighting from a vehicle. They said that my activity was, in fact, perfectly legal but thanked me for avoiding the issue altogether.
There are far too many sections of the fish and game laws that are subject to interpretation. Add to that the fact that some regulations change every year. It doesn't make it very easy to stay in strict compliance with the law even when you are committed to doing so.
I would say that is the reason there are lawyers, judges, and courtrooms, but in many cases that would be completely wrong. For some, it is all about the contact in the field and the dollars collected in the courtroom by the judge.
Tom Quoted the Regs. on a Previous post. I cant see why there was any confusion regarding shooting from the vehicle or , from or along the road. I suppose a short 50 to 60 yard low stalk off the road , into the brush , away from the truck was out of the question??? and to top it all off, They " Hoped it was buck"
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