Wyoming results are up

Has anyone tried small game hunting in the area around Douglas or any of the antelope country in Eastern Wyoming?

Since our group didn't get our doe tags were hoping to maybe fill our buck tags early and have fun going after rabbits/grouse.
I must have been clicking the wrong button. Added an Elk 35-6, Deer 5-6 and an Antelope 23-7 to the pile. Gonna be a busy fall!
I just added cow 61-6. I still can't believe I didn't draw a doe lope tag . I should of applied for Mt. buck lope again this year. I have enough tags to keep me busy ! 1 bull, at least 1 cow, 1 Deer , 2 doe whitetail and a turkey tag. Plus bear, mtn.lion , wolf. Hope you have a couple freezers !
Has anyone tried small game hunting in the area around Douglas or any of the antelope country in Eastern Wyoming?

Since our group didn't get our doe tags were hoping to maybe fill our buck tags early and have fun going after rabbits/grouse.
I shoot a few rabbits most years, but I wait until after cold weather sets in. They have fleas real bad, and sometimes carry bubonic plague. So I wait until most of the fleas are dead. Handle careful.
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