Wyoming Area23

My brother and myself took our kids out to Wyoming for some antelope hunting this last weekend. We showed up to Gillette Saturday afternoon, set up our tent in a buddies yard, and on Sunday went checked out a property to hunt. Did not go out Sunday. Monday morning it was raining, so we only got out at 8 o clock. By 10am we were done with our hunt, 3 antelope does down and cooling in the coolers. First one my 16 year old nephew took at about 150 yards. Second antelope down was a shot by my daughter at 497 yards, she just nailed her with my Tikka in 7 SAUM (rebarreled by a forum member- Handler). And the last antelope was taken by my 14 yo nephew. He made a.645 yard shot. These were all first round hits, the kids all practiced the whole summer out to 1,100 yards. Spent one more night in Gillette, got time to visit with a friend and we are back home Tuesday night.
That's awesome. I love it when kids get to shoot long range. Just getting ready to build another. Thanks for shareing
great shooting congrats! ive been out to Wyoming before in the middle by riverton about 2 hours above casper.. beautiful country out there for sure!
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