Wyoming results are up

First time in 10 years. Didn't draw anything, mule deer or antelope. Waiting for my hunting partner to check his. If he draws I'll go with him . Maybe I'll shoot rabbits.
My son and I drew,

Antelope 023-2
Deer 065-3

any advice?
Any reason you went type 2 rather than type 1? Do you have access to private land around there?

Last year there was a good bit of AccessYes area that is technically private as far as tags are concerned from the IBerlin Ranch. I took a mule deer does out of there last year and all I can say is get out there early opening morning. We got out there at 3am, walked in hours before sunrise and watched dozens of trucks driving around.
You won't need any particular advice for units 80. If a real trophy is your aim, brush up on scoring them. Be prepared to see hundreds of bucks. If you're not confident in long range work, get a pronghorn fabric decoy. When they're rutting hard, they hunt you. All the best on your hunt.
Long range is not a problem! I have used decoy bow hunting, would feel a little odd with people rifle hunting? Thank you Cody finch
We drew antelope tags this year for first time. Should be fun hunt and looking forward to heading out. Deer and elk down the road I guess
I also didn't get drawn on my doe tag. I thought those were almost guaranteed. Does anybody know how the leftover tags work? Would I be able to purchase a doe tag in a different area?
The leftovers for 2nd draw are on the website. App period I'd 6/21 to 25. They cut lope tags this year. I didn't draw buck over even a doe tag with two different areas. First time I haven't had at least a doe lope tag in 25 years. Slim pickins on doe lope leftovers. Most all are private land in east.
The leftovers for 2nd draw are on the website. App period I'd 6/21 to 25. They cut lope tags this year. I didn't draw buck over even a doe tag with two different areas. First time I haven't had at least a doe lope tag in 25 years. Slim pickins on doe lope leftovers. Most all are private land in east.
Dang, Don, that just stinks! Shooting rocks is ok for a few minutes but they taste like, well, rocks. Hope you draw something good elsewhere! DT in MT
Dang, Don, that just stinks! Shooting rocks is ok for a few minutes but they taste like, well, rocks. Hope you draw something good elsewhere! DT in MT
I got general deer, gen. Elk. Area 48 cow. Fall turkey . 2 area 165 doe whitetail tags. Gonna try for another cow tag different area. Unloaded most of the meat from last couple years on friends . See you at the range soon !
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