Wyoming draw results out

Drew area 17 along with a buddy, can't wait to go on my first antelope hunt!

I hope you already have or get all the proper maps for the public roads and the legally accessible public land that is very minimal in unit 17 along with a good GPS with a landowner chip. If you don't have all of those things, you will be setting yourself up for a disappointing trip and possible trespassing tickets.
Drew area 17 along with a buddy, can't wait to go on my first antelope hunt!

I have hunting Unit 19 right across from 17. I have seen lots of good lopes there from the road. Like others have said, make sure you know the land boundaries. I like a Map application that I have installed on my cell-phone and ipad. Takes the guess-work out of guessing what is private vs public hunting land.

If you have a chance to go Muley Deer hunting in that same area/season, I highly recommend it.
I use an app similar to that called EGIS Mobile, could possibly be the same one you use. Just applied for an antelope this year as it'll be my first out of state big game hunt. I get to miss over a week of school so I'm very excited
I use an app similar to that called EGIS Mobile, could possibly be the same one you use. Just applied for an antelope this year as it'll be my first out of state big game hunt. I get to miss over a week of school so I'm very excited

It seems like almost everyone has the information as far as land ownership on their GPS or phones. However, it's the road situation that can get a person into trouble real quick because a good share of the roads that hit public land are not public maintained roads and that information isn't on your phone or GPS. Get a good map of the county road system up there so you know exactly what roads the county taxpayers are paying for and that you can legally drive on. You may get a big surprise when you see how much public land up there can't be legally accessed unless you get permission from a private land owner and most will want money if they will even talk to you because so many lease to outfitters.
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