Wife’s first muley

Thanks for all the kind words
Yeah it was a perfect scenario to take the shot. He was grazing about 200 yards from a lake edge in some brush, we were on a steep ridge, the wind was about 6mph from 11:30, so I dialed her in, told her what I thought on wind, the time of flight was long enough as she shot for a second nothing happened and I thought oh no, then I seen the splash on his shoulder and his legs just folded, it was pretty great moment.
My wife shot her first mule deer today, at 842 yards with a 180hybrid, hit him in the shoulder, he was quartering away and it exited his neck, dropped him right in his tracks, he was in some brush, but I don't think he even kicked.
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First EVER...or first of the year? Either way terrific animal! I hope for her sake...it's the first of this year. At 16 I shot my first Whitetail Buck a 7 x 7...beauty. Had no idea at the time how good it was...never shot one since as good! That was 49 years ago. Congrats to your wife!
My wife shot her first mule deer today, at 842 yards with a 180hybrid, hit him in the shoulder, he was quartering away and it exited his neck, dropped him right in his tracks, he was in some brush, but I don't think he even kicked.
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Congrats to your wife on her first mule deer and at 842yds you both should be very happy with that. Great shooting
First EVER...or first of the year? Either way terrific animal! I hope for her sake...it's the first of this year. At 16 I shot my first Whitetail Buck a 7 x 7...beauty. Had no idea at the time how good it was...never shot one since as good! That was 49 years ago. Congrats to your wife!
First ever, she never grew up hunting, a couple years ago she had a mule deer tag and she wanted to go big or go home and we went home lol
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