Wife’s first muley

Holy mulie! What a team you guys are! You wife, a girl, has outshot me! LOL My farthest animal kill was 615yds on a hog.
Really all it took was 24 ounces of pressure on the pad of her index finger lol,
Seriously, the women I've shown how to shoot have a knack for it, which I believe relates to a woman's higher threshold of pain tolerance, they keep they're eyes open and let the rifle recoil without a reaction
It's a 7rem mag, 1:8twist, shooting 180hybrids at 3050fps, 28" proof barrel on it
#1 - To echo all that has been said by others, outstanding job by both of you! Great deer and great shot. Glad to hear when a well executed plan comes together.

#2 - I'm currently having almost the exact same rifle built, as we speak. All of the components are now at my smith. Only difference is I chose a 26" Proof in the 1 in 8.44" twist - to shoot your exact bullet. My middle son is deer hunting this year with the 180 Hybrids in his 7RM, and he can keep them .3 MOA or better at distance, so I know this combo shoots well.

Again, Congrats to the Canhunter Family!
#1 - To echo all that has been said by others, outstanding job by both of you! Great deer and great shot. Glad to hear when a well executed plan comes together.

#2 - I'm currently having almost the exact same rifle built, as we speak. All of the components are now at my smith. Only difference is I chose a 26" Proof in the 1 in 8.44" twist - to shoot your exact bullet. My middle son is deer hunting this year with the 180 Hybrids in his 7RM, and he can keep them .3 MOA or better at distance, so I know this combo shoots well.

Again, Congrats to the Canhunter Family!
I've shot the 180s out to 1640yards, curve held true to that far, I put 3/8 shots on an 18" target tat that distance so was pretty happy.
I've shot the 180s out to 1640yards, curve held true to that far, I put 3/8 shots on an 18" target tat that distance so was pretty happy.
Great to hear.

I had a fairly lengthy discussion with Proof during my decision making process on barrel twist. I let them know the bullet (180 Hyb) that I was most often going to use for this gun and they strongly pointed to the 1-8.44 twist for my purposes. I may still dabble in the 150's as well, so I wanted a solid compromise.

I think that overall, you will have greater luck in shooting the true heavies - say 195 etc - in your 1-8. So, it seems like either twist should be phenomenal for both of our purposes.

I chose the 26" only because I do a good amount of suppressed shooting, and for whatever reason just couldn't wrap my head around a 9" titanium can on the end of a 28" barrel. I think it'd be like carrying a 7' fishing pole on my shoulder in the mountains 😜

Thanks for your data and input on results that you are getting out of what should be a very similar build for what I am going after.

I'm still speechless on your wife's shot, and deer!
Great to hear.

I had a fairly lengthy discussion with Proof during my decision making process on barrel twist. I let them know the bullet (180 Hyb) that I was most often going to use for this gun and they strongly pointed to the 1-8.44 twist for my purposes. I may still dabble in the 150's as well, so I wanted a solid compromise.

I think that overall, you will have greater luck in shooting the true heavies - say 195 etc - in your 1-8. So, it seems like either twist should be phenomenal for both of our purposes.

I chose the 26" only because I do a good amount of suppressed shooting, and for whatever reason just couldn't wrap my head around a 9" titanium can on the end of a 28" barrel. I think it'd be like carrying a 7' fishing pole on my shoulder in the mountains 😜

Thanks for your data and input on results that you are getting out of what should be a very similar build for what I am going after.

I'm still speechless on your wife's shot, and deer!
Yes when I purchased my barrel proof recommended the 1:8.4 twist to me too, but I wanted to dabble even heavier than the 180 when the right bullet comes along.
Lol yeah that would be long, I use a backpack sling for packing, really helps with long tubes being comfortable.
This is the rifle
What COAL do you all seat the 180 Hybrid at? Wondering if my Mauser 98 with 3.400" magbox would work.
What COAL do you all seat the 180 Hybrid at? Wondering if my Mauser 98 with 3.400" magbox would work.
I'll check my notes when I get home, I had 3.56" in my vanguard and swapped to an AICS mag to get 3.63" coal. 3.4 would be tight but doable, you'll sacrifice case capacity and pressure a little quicker than being able to seat them deeper
I'll check my notes when I get home, I had 3.56" in my vanguard and swapped to an AICS mag to get 3.63" coal. 3.4 would be tight but doable, you'll sacrifice case capacity and pressure a little quicker than being able to seat them deeper
Yeah I should of figured when I saw the mag. I could use the Mauser for something else lol.
Whay was the insides like at that distance? Did the bullet open up? Exit wound? Any pics of performance?
Sorry didn't take any pics, shoulder was bloodshot where it hit, mucked the inside up some before shrapnelling into neck muscle, there was an exit wound right behind the deers head on the neck. The deer was quartering away, the crease behind the shoulder was where I made the wind call for but also gave the most margin of error across his shoulder and neck.
The bullet was still above 2000fps at impact so while it's a long ways out there it's a pretty high performance combo that gives pretty good margin for accuracy
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