Montana muley hunt

My brother and I just finished our first muley hunt. Going to be hard to top this one. Coldest I have ever been. We left orlando Fl Friday at 85 degrees, to land in Billings at a nice 70 degrees. Then all hell broke loose. Been negative with the wind chill all week. The good Lord has blessed us once again!View attachment 155756View attachment 155757 View attachment 155758
Sweet bucks gentlemen!! Was this a DIY or guided hunt? And doggone if the weather doesn't change rapidly out there, eh?
Outstanding hunt for both of you. Great work. The weather reports are worthless out here. down-rite dangerous in my opinion. You need to leave the house prepared for rain, snow, wind, fire, lightening, and blizzard conditions. The weather reporters should work on commission alone.
Great hunt, congrats!
Amazing guys! Congratulations! One day I would love to do that too. I'm in FL too, but thanks to some bad military and VA medical advice/work, I now have 11 vertebrae fused so packing one out like that probably isn't in the cards. I'm hoping to find the right situation someday because my shooting ability hasn't left me!! For now, I'm living though you!! Keep up the good work!!
Congrats to ya all. Wow what a monster Mulie. Good for you. Am going out in the morning to camp and stay till we get'em. We are hunting on public land. Southern Cal. Is tough. Oh well, that is what the Lord blessed us with and that is where I will stand. What nice Mulie....... !
Family friends property, they do not offer guided hunts. We were just lucky to get a invite. We own a plantation in SW GA and kind of did a trade for a quail hunt.
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