Montana muley hunt

Public or private land? Looking forward to Mt. some day. Awesome bucks, hope they taste as good as they look. Regarding the temps, recent testing int RL22 showed my a 50fps drop in velocity when it wen from 95 to 68 over 2 weeks down here in Tx. Not sure what another 50 degrees colder would do! :( Working on faster H1000 loads next. Slow H1000 loads are tack drivers.
Ill take them on guided Idaho snipe hunt in trade. I want a mule deer first of course since they obviously would be getting the better half of the deal.....

Nice deer btw
Beautiful Bucks!
We will be there the end of the month. I can only wish we get bucks that nice!
I haven't seen a nicer pair of bucks by two hunters in a long time. Also liked the picture quality with the terrain in background. Looks like perfect muley country. Obviously is. GREAT hunt guys!
Awesome Bucks gentlemen.I have not shot deer that nice for at least 10 years where I hunt in Montana.Huntz
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