Montana muley hunt

I will vouch for the guys saying it is cold...i am in Pocatello and this morning at 830am it was 7 degrees.....idaho falls was or slight wind.........damned cold.....
Yesterday was cold extreme wind chill......-12 degrees.....

Oh yes........really nice mulies guys.....those are obviously mature and had spread seed.....
My brother and I just finished our first muley hunt. Going to be hard to top this one. Coldest I have ever been. We left orlando Fl Friday at 85 degrees, to land in Billings at a nice 70 degrees. Then all hell broke loose. Been negative with the wind chill all week. The good Lord has blessed us once again!View attachment 155756View attachment 155757 View attachment 155758
Congrats fellas...a little cold probably wasn't even felt when you dropped the hammer, and I bet you were REAL WARM packing it out!
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