Wife’s first muley

First ever, she never grew up hunting, a couple years ago she had a mule deer tag and she wanted to go big or go home and we went home lol
Well she certainly went big this time! Well done! She has a heck of challenge facing her to top this....hope she does...8 more times! " HUNTING WIFE...HAPPY LIFE" and a lot warmer sleeping bag than the rest of us!
I was going to say something similar to skipglo.

Tough one top! Blessed to get a beautiful animal as her first deer!

I am still working on getting my wife to go hunting for the first time. I keep saying maybe next year. I will show her this photo and see if it helps tip the scale. I at least got her to do Hunter safety last year.

Again, great buck and heck of a shot!
I was going to say something similar to skipglo.

Tough one top! Blessed to get a beautiful animal as her first deer!

I am still working on getting my wife to go hunting for the first time. I keep saying maybe next year. I will show her this photo and see if it helps tip the scale. I at least got her to do Hunter safety last year.

Again, great buck and heck of a shot!
Perhaps instead of saying MAYBE NEXT YEAR to her when she asks...try HOW ABOUT THIS YEAR!🤣
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