What news source do you listen to, mine is Epoch times

All news is spin today. People pick the ones they identify with. I've pretty much checked out on all of it. I'd rather listen to podcasts or read. It's hard to tell what the truth really is.
Pretty much true. 3 kinds of news story's white propaganda, Grey propaganda and Black propaganda.
That's why I like Trunews they take the daily propaganda and discuss it investigate it and give their take on it. Redacted news does the same thing just not with a Christian world views.
One America News and
the Epoch times
They get some good interviews, and certainly hit a much broader topic range than the mainstream media. Realize click bait titles and thumbnails are required to get viewership, but it does make me tire of clicking on it. Wish society hadn't collectively adopted the daily inquirer method of news headlines.
I used to get the daily report from Epoch Times but I unsubscribed as I found them a propaganda outlet also - they tend to lean right (fine by me) but they are owned by Chinese-Americans and part of their reporting is heavily biased toward articles about China. They also tend to have articles on medicine that seems pseudo-science.

I get "Wallstreet Breakfast" email daily with highlight of economy, politics, etc. with a slant toward investing.

I get "1440" email which claims to be "neutral" - they provide a brief "just the facts" statement on a new item with a link to an article for my details - unfortunately the links tend to be left leaning (as is most main stream media). Good for a quick morning news dump.

I enjoy the news threads on ultra-right gun forums the most!
I listen to Chris Plante a lot on WMAL. Very entertaining conservative talk radio from 9:00 to 12:00 noon, eastern time. He also hosts the "Right Squad" on TV at 9:00 PM. I get a kick out of how he busts on the other leftist news outlets. He calls MS NBC "MS DNC" and "Morning Joe" "Morning Joke". He also rags on NPR calling it "National Panhandler Radio" because they are publically funded to the tune of about 5 million dollars per year. He's got some funny slogans like:

"The Democratic Party isn't"

"The most insidious power of the media is the power to ignore"

"If it weren't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all"

Give him a listen sometime if you get a chance.
IMHO these days there aren't news sources that are unbiased. So no true journalism. I watch both sides of the political aisle and try to discern from them. I also decided that whatever is going to happen is predestined. And I pick my actions accordingly. If I can create constructive change then great. If not then I don't get too concerned with the matter. I stay aware, but I try not to allow whatever is going on to alter my mood.
A lot of foreign influence on information.
I think they have news articles out about media influencers
Getting money from Russia.
I don't know to much about it but it's weird that someone can start a pod cast and nobody ever even heard of them before with 100 of thousands of dollars and viewers.
How many politicians have been bought off by China we know Biden is. Also news companies flying to China for media relations.
More like being paid off for censoring news unfavorable to the CCP.