What’s another Cartridge we can Hate/Love?

I get quite perturbed at the straight wall cartridges of modern day. 350 legend, 400 legend, 360 buckhammer etc.
I love myself a 25-06 and a 257 weatherby. I don't know why but those two cartridges just do it for me.
Aren't the straight walls the only option for some of the flat midwest states?
270 Winchester. My first rifle I killed truckloads of deer with and still own to this day. The 25-06 has more of cool factor with hammer bullets flat and fast.The 280 Remington is everything the 270 is with better bullet selection. If it's the last day of rifle season and I have a tag to fill I'll be toting the model 700 in 270 Winchester. Any other day I'm grabbing something else. Maybe it's so good I hate it?