Staball Powder

I picked up some Staball6.5 on a whim (caught up in the marketing hype I guess). I was mostly going to the range to get ready for hunting but threw a few loads with it together for the 7-08 I have, to have something to shoot while waiting for the other barrel to cool. This is the best load with it thus far. This is 52 grains under the Nos 120bt. That's just a tad under 1/2". Other COAL loads of the same charge where more open (1"-1.5" range)


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I've recently purchased some StaBALL, so I'm finding this thread very useful. Keep the comments coming.
I've had mixed results with StaBALL. It did not do well in .300 WSM, hitting pressure at my best grouping. Accuracy fell apart at lower pressures. Gave up on it and did great with RL26.

In my .22-250, 41.0- 41.5 grs with 52 gr HPBT gave around 3700 fps, es 11, F210M primers and grouped under .4 @ 100 yds.

In my wife's .260, 46.0 grs with 130 NAB gave me 2940 with an es of 13 using F215M primers. Grouped just under 1" @ 100 yds.

No pressure with the last two loads.
Hey, here's my 7-08 results so far, 49.5 gr of Staball, 145gr LRX, REM 9.5, Fed case, 2823 FPS, SD 8, 0.433 in at 100 yds. This is out of a Rem 700 w/22 in barrel. Temp was 50 degrees. I have some 140 AB hammers loaded up with Staball that I might go shoot today, it's currently 14 degrees out. But I'm not really sure if I want to set up the 35P and play around with it. Might just verify a couple of guns zero's for some predator hunting. Take Care
Does pretty good 200 meters prone in 6 creedmoor 41.4 105 hybrid temp 55f to 90f always shoots same point of aim no scope adjustments


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Hard to beat Varget in the 7mm08. Temp stability is very reliable and you can develop an accurate load from it.
I've followed a long road to accuracy in my growing family of 7mm-08's and varget has been the cleanest and most temp insensitive so far. Tried IMR4064, IMR4350, H4350, H414 and Varget. Varget is best case fill without compressing and best accuracy so far, between 41 and 42gr's has been good and shooting three's and fours between three rifles (two are short barreled hunters and one is long range varmint platform). Varget is pretty hard to come by right now so testing has been awaiting the appearance of some more powder. I don't fight the heat this far north even in summer however. 7STW went thru a Staball adventure in his 7mm-08 as well, maybe he will post up too.

I do however have some powder available for a weenie roast at this point :) Whata you think Bean?
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I've followed a long road to accuracy in my growing family of 7mm-08's and varget has been the cleanest and most temp insensitive so far. Tried IMR4064, IMR4350, H4350, H414 and Varget. Varget is best case fill without compressing and best accuracy so far, between 41 and 42gr's has been good and shooting three's and fours between three rifles (two are short barreled hunters and one is long range varmint platform). Varget is pretty hard to come by right now so testing has been awaiting the appearance of some more powder. I don't fight the heat this far north even in summer however. 7STW went thru a Staball adventure in his 7mm-08 as well, maybe he will post up too.

I do however have some powder available for a weenie roast at this point :) Whata you think Bean?
Do I need to bring some Coleslaw???? And I can tell you what @7stw did with his Staball, If memory serves he started a nice fire with it and grilled Brat's and peppers and I do believe a cool adult beverage was involved
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