Staball Powder

Dont forget to leave them cartridges on the dash so you can get that extra "push". Lol. I accidentally left two .308s on my dash one 105 degree day chasing pigs and came back to a cracked windshield, brass frags, unburnt powder kernels and the smell of 4895 in the cab. I just bought a can of Staball, looking forward to your test info.

That dash would be the ultimate test of temp stability
I tried staball in my 6.5x55 imp with 140 gr. fusions and was very pleased. used 45.0 gr with WLR primer and Winchester brass at 100yds the groups measured .335 with a vel. of 2772
I have 8 pounds because I rarely buy anything other than 8s now. I am hoping it can used somewhere even if it's through my M1A.

Before you load a slow-burning powder in that rifle, it wouldn't hurt to ask around about that. I think they prefer faster powders, due to the pressure curve and the location of the gas port in the barrel. I have no experience with this, Sir, but I remember reading about this a while back. I'm sure there's somebody on this forum who has a ton of experience with this rifle who can comment on this.
Yeah I hadn't actually looked at running in the M1a, I was more saying I need to find a place to burn it up now.
I agree with a Ryan, in that I have worked up loads in both my M700 30-06 mountain Rifle, and my M70 standard stainless, w/ HS precision stock. Both rifles are around 30 yrs old. I was able to develop loads with the Barnes 200gr LRX, and StaBALL 6.5 that shot less than MOA, at a range in central Florida. I also developed a sub MOA load with my 7mm08 and the Barnes 145gr LRX. All of my testing is at 200 yds.
None of my loads showed pressure signs, all chronographed at expected (on the high side), temperature sensitivity was not observed, and the powder meters extremely well.
i doubt that you will be disappointed.
I have a bolt action DD and it shot Hornady 6.5 CM 147gr match factory ammo well so I wanted to duplicate the velocity of 2695 FPS. I first tried H4350 with Hornady brass and it and it was too slow. Next I tried StaBALL 6.5 Lapua brass with small rifle magnum primer and got 2692 FPS AD of between 2 and 9 FPS and half moa accuracy . Same thing with my 270 magnum primer was the way to get StaBALL to perform as I needed it to. No I haven't tested temp yet.
Just adding info for anyone interested 6mmcreed didn't get to shoot the 6gt but this is what we came away with for today
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